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The morning was a blur. I was both ecstatic that my mate trusted me and angry that Renee would do something like that to her own child. That's just so wrong. By the time lunch came around, I had my resolve. My family and I walked in, I saw Bella reading a book at our table. I walk up and clear my throat when it became obvious that Bella was really in her book. She asked if I had something in my throat, then looked up. I thought it was adorable.

"Oh, hey Rosalie" she says as she acknowledges me, "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure" I reply and we walk out towards the courtyard.

"Can you please not tell anyone about what I told you this morning?" She asks.

"Ok Bella, I won't" I say, although I don't know how to NOT tell my family. I mean we have a psychic and a mind reader, I don't know how I will hide it. In all honesty, I should probably tell Bella this, but she is already so nervous about eating. "Go get something to eat now" I command. She pouts adorably and then just stares at me. I think she wants to see if I will break. I won't. I just stare back, with a bit of coldness in my eyes, not enough to be "scary" though. She finally backs down and goes to get in line for food. As Bella walked towards the table, I could see she only got a salad. I looked at her disapprovingly.

"What?" Bella asks.

"You should have gotten more to eat" I say. That's not what a normal human eats right?

"No, I am starting small" she said. That actually made sense. She wasn't used to eating, so small would be good for her stomach. At least that's what I read in Carlisle's books. As I think this, Edward gives me a weird glance.

"Fine" I say. She was actually right. As she goes back to eating though, Edward speaks up.

"What's with your thoughts Rosalie?" he asks, sub sonically so Bella couldn't hear.

"Nothing of your concern" I hiss back, equally as quiet.

"The why are you thinking that it's good Bella is finally eating?"

"Because... It's none of your concern!" I reply.

"Is it because she was underfed at her Mother's?" Alice asks.

I froze, and that was enough for everyone to know she guessed true.

"Oh no..." squeaked Victoria.

I just stayed silent, no one was supposed to find out, and Bella is going to KILL me.

"No one is going to say a thing. Got that?" I growl.

Then I hear my Bella speak up, "So, thanks Rosalie" she says. We all turn to look at her, in unison. I think it creeped her out from her facial expression. "That was creepy" she said. Then she went back to reading. I then went back to threatening my family. She then asks "So.... what were y'all talkin bout'?" she said in an adorable Texan accent that I wonder where she got.

Everyone then stared at me. I didn't know what to do, so I said the truth.

"Oh, I kinda told them why you were sitting with us today and what you told me this morning" I say. I taper off at the end, I knew that Bella would be pissed and disappointed in me.

"What the bloody hell do you mean, you told them! Gods, I trusted you to, ya know, keep that secret. I don't need this shit gettin out and to Charlie" she exclaims. Gods I feel like shit right now. "Gods, this is what happens when you trust a bloody vampire. Gods, I should have learned from Victoria, but no, I trusted another of your bloody kind and my trust was broken" I feel like such a tool right now. I know I can only blame myself, I didn't try hard enough to hide my thought or decisions. "That was private! I don't want anyone to know, your father is a bloody doctor! If he tries to help me I am getting emancipated and leaving behind everyone and everything. No one can know! I told you because I thought I could trust you, and I didn't want to hurt Victoria. Gods, just don't speak to me" she whisper yelled the end. I feel so bad. I know that she won't care though. And she wants to be emancipated? Why? Is her life really that bad? Would she really leave me? Of course she would, she doesn't feel the pull like I do.

As Bella packs her stuff I can see her thinking really deeply. She picks up her last thing and storms off. The whole cafeteria is now looking at us. Emmett then stands up and yells "Hey! Mind your own businesses" he yells then sits back down.

Edward and Alice immediately start to apologize and say it wasn't my fault.

"But it was my fault" I say. Alice then goes in a vision.

"Bella is going to get her GED. She is then going to just disappear on us. I can't even see what she is planning after leaving" Alice says, panicked.

I panicked and then heard the bell. I walked quickly towards the biology classroom. When I got there, I saw Bella, just sitting there. I knew she was thinking of leaving. I had to try and keep her here. Even at the expense of my happiness, she NEEDS to stay in Forks.

I walk up to her and sit down, "I'm sorry I broke your trust" I say, somewhat brokenly. "I know your plan for the future. Please don't do that just because of me. Just, stay and be happy, my siblings and I won't tell if you don't want us to. I am so sorry, they wanted to know and Edward was going to find out anyways" I speak truthfully.

"I know, I'm not even that mad that you told them. I am mad that you broke the trust I had I you. Do you have any idea how hard it is to trust ANYONE after what I have been through? No you don't. But is so hard, and then the one person I decide to trust just breaks that, well that is shit. Don't talk to me. I just need time to, ya know, cool down" Bella retorts, somewhat bitterly.

She then turns towards the front of the class and the teacher starts speaking. Bella was thinking really hard during the whole class, I know she was going to ditch the rest of the day, but I need to make sure she is safe. I know that Victoria feels the same as I. I'm going to let Victoria try to talk to her first. I speak at a high pitch and tell Victoria she is up first to try and calm Bella down. The bell rung and Bella hightailed it out of the classroom, I knew V would follow her.

In the middle of gym class, I could feel my heart start to hurt. I knew Bella was in trouble. I go up to the teacher and say "May I go to the restroom? My period started" The teacher being a man immediately let me go. I raced to the locker rooms, got dressed, and then raced down the

I could hear her erratic breathing first, then I could see her horrid red truck. I finally got there and IN the truck. Bella notices I'm here, but her breathing doesn't even up. I smile a bit at her and try to touch her, to pull her into a hug. But as my hand touched her, she screams out.

"No! I'm sorry. I'll be good! Don't hurt me!" As I hear that, my heart breaks. Her reaction to someone's touch is the same one I had years ago after I was turned.

"I won't ever hurt you. Just copy my breathing" I take exaggerated breaths, so she could copy. I know that this isn't really helping anything, but she needs me.

Once she was calm she asked, "Why are you here?"

"I needed to help you" I responded.

"Get out" she says, calmly.

"W- what?" I stutter for the first time in my existence.

"OUT" she yells, tears streaming down her face. I heed her words and leave, my heart aching for the broken brunette sitting in her truck.

So, that happened. Hope y'all like it, thanks for reading.

-Klutzy Stone Heart

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