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Cryptic future seeing pixie vampires suck.

After Alice's cryptic message, she left. I then stand there for a bit, just listening to their conversation. I hear them say I love you to each other, and I have to leave before I do anything I will regret. Once I was home, I go to my room. I hear Emmett follow me up.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I just want to make sure you're okay" he replies.

"I'm fine" I reply curtly.

"Rosie, I know you better than that. What is actually wrong?" Emmett questions me.

"It's just Bella seems to really love Sierra. I don't want to be the reason they break up. I can't be the reason that Bella is unhappy. She has already been through so much in her short life. I can't bring anymore unpleasantness into it. But it kills me that Bella LOVES Sierra. I mean, she has been with Bella for a while, but Bella... Gah! I just want to hold her close and make sure nothing else can hurt her" I cry to Emmett.

"It's ok Rosie. She will eventually come to her sense" says Emmett, and I hug him.

"Thanks Emmy" I say, tearily.

After that teary confession, Emmett just comforted me for the rest of the day. There's a reason why he is my best friend. I just hope that Victoria isn't mad or jealous over the fact that I spent the day with her mate.

The next day we all went hunting. I went with Alice and Jasper. We had a race to see who could find the most mountain lions and eat. I won with 4 and Jasper got 2. Alice ended up with 3. We got home and just lounged for the rest of the day. At night, we watched a bunch of movies. Around 7 we started to get ready for school. I took a shower and got dressed. Alice was herding us out of the door by 8. I wonder why.

We got to the school early today. Which was really weird. I saw Bella arrive in her truck. She took out her earbuds and put them in, then proceeded to get a book and ignore the world. I wonder what Alice was warning me about. My siblings and I talk for a bit, until we hear a scream. I look up and see a boys van heading straight towards my mate. I was about to go over there and interfere, bit Alice held me back. I glared at her then turned back. Bella finally looked up to see the truck coming. She didn't do what a normal human would do though. She looked somewhat startled then dropped to the ground real fast and rolled under her truck. It looked like something out of a spy movie when they want to avoid being caught. SO COOL! Ok, sidetracked, I hope Bella's okay. I see the paramedics arrive and hear Bella, very vocally, deny their help. After that she stormed off. I just kinda stood there for a bit, then went back to talking to my siblings, mainly Alice.

"You couldn't have told me this was going to happen?" I question angrily.

"I'm sorry Rosalie. If I would have, you would have gotten us exposed. Then we would have to move" Alice says.

"Ok, thanks I guess" I mumble. She just laughs and turns to talk to Emmett. I see Bella coming towards me. She walks closer and asks

"Hey, can I talk to you?"

"Sure" I reply. She led me behind the school. I mean what is it that she can't talk in front of the others? "Don't listen in" I say really lowly so Bella and the other humans can't hear. I get a bunch of okays and I focus on Bella. "Are you alright? You almost got crushed by that idiot of a human. He could have killed you!" I growl out. It's true. Even if I seemed relatively unaffected, I could have lost my mate today. I would have died.

"I'm fine" Bella says with a goofy grin on her face. I wonder why it was there.

"Why is everyone so focused on that fact? Why can't people focus on the fact that it wasn't Tyler's fault? Gods, people worry way too much for my liking" She mumbles the last part. I frown at the last bit. Does she not want people to care for hew wellbeing? What kind of human was this?

"It's because we care, or just want to gossip for the humans" I say, trying to seem as apathetic as I can.

"Ok, well I didn't bring you here to talk about the... whatever that was. I came here to ask you if you could help me with something, uhh, kinda personal" She mumbles. I was glowing internally. She wanted to talk to me?

"Sure what do you need?" I questioned. I was somewhat confused on e=what she wanted though.

"Umm, I have what one would call an eating disorder. I mean it's not really one, but oh- um, well-"She stammers. Oh my Gods, she is so CUTE. Wait... eating disorder?

"Yes?" I say, amused by her stammering and cuteness, but still concerned.

"Um, well, when I lived with Renee, she wouldn't ya know, feed me for weeks at a time, so I became used to not eating. Because of that I am underweight and malnourished. Yeah. So that happened. OK well, I need someone to ya know watch when I eat and make sure I actually eat. Sierra and I even made a feeding schedule for me!"

I growl at that. Her so called "Mother" was a piece of trash. I mean who does that to their CHILD? And she didn't eat for WEEKS? How is Bella not dead?

"So, um I was wondering since you know about Renee and stuff, if you could make sure I ya know eat, when I have to. Like, right now I only eat like once every 3 weeks or so. So, you can like make sure I eat more than that. Sierra and I agreed on Lunch every 3 days. That starts today, so could you uh, help me with that?" She questions awkwardly. Of course I will help! She is my mate. And I would do anything for her.

"Sure. I would love to help" I reply, a bit eager. I need to get her to eat today... I wonder how that will go.

"Thanks dude" She says and then hugs me. HUGS ME! I am so happy right now. My mate hugged me. "Now I have to go face the nosy population of Forks. Gods dang it" she mumbles and walks off. I just stand there and laugh.

Another chapter for another Wednesday. Yay. I hope you like it and thanks for reading.
-Klutzy Stone Heart

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