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Aww shit. I'm going to have to control my anger. Fuck.

I stay outside, seething. I know it is useless. I can't interfere with anything that would cause my mate pain. I can hear Charlie's car pull up, so I move deeper in the forest, but I could still hear, though. As I wait to hear what they say to each other, I sense another presence. I turn around and see Victoria.

"What are you doing here?" I question, actually curios.

"I'm here to check on my sis- Bella" She corrects herself. I catch it, but don't say anything. I just nod and attune my hearing back on the Swan residence. I heard her ask to skip school to ask if she could just pick up Sierra instead. I then hear Charlie offer some food to Bella. She declines saying she already ate. I know she didn't, but then again, she could have eaten while Angela was there. I then hear her shower start to run. While she was in there, I just caught up with Victoria. We rarely ever talk alone. I ask her if how they met was actually true, not to discredit Bella, I just wanted Victoria's POV on it. She ended up having the exact same story. Still funny the second time. After that conversation, we went back to the house. Edward was by the door when we got there.

"Why were you both gone so long?" he yelled.

"You aren't out father Edward. You can shut up now" I say and walk inside. Victoria follows. I go up to my room and get a book to read for the rest of the night. Being a vampire sucks, I mean not sleeping means we have to do something else at night. And that sucks when you think about it.

When the clock turns 8, I start getting ready for school, but I know it will be miserable without Bella. I know that Bella already is in her girlfriends grasp. I go to school more grumpy than usual, and I think the humans noticed.

At the end of the day, I went to Bella's only to find that her and Sierra were watching some movies and arguing on whether or not the book version or movie version of the Hunger Games was better. Honestly, they are cute together. It's just my jealousy of their relationship that makes me not want them together. After their little "argument" they watched something on Netflix. I deemed my mate to be safe so I left to go back to the house. When I got there, all of the family was there. Even Carlisle. I knew something big was happening.

"Your right Rose" Edward replies to my thoughts. I glare at him and mentally curse him out.

"What's happening?' I question.

"The Volturi are coming"

Yes, cliffhanger. Ok I shall post another chapter on Wednesday or Thursday. Honestly he only reason I posted this right now is because I need y'all opinions.
(This might be a spoiler. If you don't want a spoil then like skip)
Who do you want Sierra to end up with? Jane of the Volturi or Tanya Denali of the Denali coven?
Anyways answer in he comment thingies I guess.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy even though this is really short.
-Klutzy Stone Heart

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