Accidental Meetings

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The next morning I woke up scared that I was in for a beating for sleeping on the bed. Then I remembered that I was with my Father, not the person everyone else calls my Mother. I look at the clock and it reads 9:00. I smell bacon cooking and I hurry downstairs, hoping that I wouldn't be in trouble for not cooking. Once I get down there I can tell I won't be. Charlie is by the stove with a spatula in hand and a blue "kiss the cook" apron. I smile at him and sit down.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" I ask.

"I thought you would like to go explore the town so if that's what you want to do you can do it."

"Sure are you coming with?" I ask.

"No I only took a half day off from work. Sorry Bells. But would you like eggs or bacon?"

I actually didn't want any. I wasn't used to being allowed to eat so much, so the pizza from yesterday filled me up for a couple weeks at least. It was literally a month's worth of food for me. "No thanks Charlie. I'll eat something later. The pizza from last night filled me up a lot." I say with a grin. "I'm gonna go get dressed. What time would you like me back here?" I then asked.

"Like I told you last night, by 11 please" Charlie replies with a smile. But his eyes give away his sadness that his daughter won't eat breakfast with him. I pretend not to see the disappointed look in his eyes and turn around to go and get dressed in my signature black style. I put on a black tank top, black pair of skinny jeans, black socks and black combat boots on with my signature black leather jacket. This was my way of rebelling against Renee. She always wanted me to be the perfect daughter, and that included dressing as a girl, but dresses sucked and the clothes I wear now are comfortable.

Once I'm dressed I go downstairs, yell a quick goodbye and leave. I get into my new truck and it smells of cigars. I knew it belonged to an old smoker, but I love it. With my newfound freedom I went towards town. When I got there it was nice and small. Some small furniture and clothes shops and a local grocery store. I walk around the town and in about an hour I am familiar with the area. Forks was a small town and there wasn't a library that would be a problem seeing as how I love to read. I finally remembered that there was a bigger town a little while away that I could check out seeing as how it is only 10:30. Port Angeles was only an hour away and I could go there and check out if there are any bookstores or libraries. I then check my wallet and see that I have $82 in cash. Enough for a good day of shopping. I called Charlie to ask if I could go and he said yes, so Port Angeles here I come.

After an hour of driving I arrive. This place was way bigger than I expected. The first thing I did was look for a good bookstore. I found one on the corner of a block. It was small, but had an awesome selection of the kind of books I like. I'm so absorbed in looking at one of the book summaries that I run into another person. It felt like running into marble so I immediately knew that I ran into a vampire. I look up and see a woman in her mid-twenties.

"Sorry Miss. I wasn't paying attention" I said sheepishly.

"It's ok Sweetheart" She replies with a kind smile. I immediately flinch when I hear the term of endearment. It was what Renee used to call me right before she beat me.

"Ok, well sorry still Miss" I say then walk away towards the cash register to ring up my purchases. Once I get out of there I immediately freak out. Why was there a vampire in Washington of all places? What if there were more? Well it isn't my problem and she at least doesn't drink human blood based off the color of her eyes. Well, my musings aside, I surprisingly feel hungry.

I decided to go to a little cafe down the street. Once I walk inside I find a place to sit in the far corner of the place. I could see the door form here and that for some reason made me feel safer that there were exit points. A waitress came by and asked me what I wanted. I ordered a plain turkey sandwich seeing as how it was almost 1:00 by now and it was lunchtime. I ate about a third of the sandwich and then packed the rest to go. When I was about to leave, the door opened and in walked a very familiar figure.

Note: I am very sorry for any grammar mistakes that you see. I don't have a beta and well that was my only excuse.

So anyhow... who do you think is the mysterious person to walk in? And what did you think of Bella's and Esme's meeting?

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