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Sierra and I ended up spending the rest of the weekend together just hanging. We only had a few spats. One of them was getting me to eat. I really didn't want to because I just wasn't hungry. But she made me eat half a sandwich. I was somewhat fine with that.

By Sunday night, I had to decide whether or not to go to school the next day. We decided yes, because I actually need to seem like I do stuff.

The next morning I wake up to the alarm going off, me being me, I throw my alarm across the room and it breaks, waking up Sierra.

"What was that" she questions.

"Umm, I kinda uh, threw the alarm against the wall, and uh, broke it" I say, ashamed.

"Buy a new one when you get back from school" she groans and goes back to sleep.

"Lazy ass" I mumble. That wakes her up.

"What did you just call me?" she asks.

"Um, nothing babe" I say and hurry to gather clothes for a shower. When I get back in the room I see Sierra back asleep. I forego breakfast, promising myself and Sierra I would eat a bit for lunch.

I yell a loud "Bye Babe" and rush out the door. By the time I get to school, I was one of the only ones there, so I plugged my earbuds and just listened while reading on the hood of my car. I hear someone yell and look up, only to see a big truck coming at me. I hurriedly stand up, drop to the ground and roll under my truck, hoping that it would protect me from the impact. It worked, and I got out unscathed. My book even made it out with minimal water damage. By the time I got out from under my truck, the paramedics were there. They tried to get me to go into the ambulance, but I was having none of that.

"Oh my god! I am not hurt. Just let me go to school" I yell. After that I run to my first period class. I was 20 or so minutes early, so I did the obvious thing and went to find Rosalie. I had to ask her to help me, ya know, eat. I go back towards the parking lot, hoping that the paramedics are gone, and look for a red BMW. I see it and head over, hoping no one notices me.

As I get closer to the car, I see Rosalie and say "Hey, can I talk to you?"

"Sure" she replies. I lead her to behind the school, for a semblance of privacy.

"Are you alright? You almost got crushed by that idiot of a human. He could have killed you!" she growls.

"I'm fine" I say with a goofy grin. She actually cared.

"Why is everyone so focused on that fact? Why can't people focus on the fact that it wasn't Tyler's fault? Gods, people worry way too much for my liking" I mumble the last part.

"It's because we care, or just want to gossip for the humans" She mumbles the last part.

"Ok, well I didn't bring you here to talk about the... whatever that was. I came here to ask you if you could help me with something, uhh, kinda personal" I mumble.

"Sure what do you need?" she questions, kind of confused.

"Umm, I have what one would call an eating disorder. I mean it's not really one, but oh- um, well-" I stammer.

"Yes?" she says, amused.

"Um, well, when I lived with Renee, she wouldn't ya know, feed me for weeks at a time, so I became used to not eating. Because of that I am underweight and malnourished. Yeah. So that happened. OK well, I need someone to ya know watch when I eat and make sure I actually eat. Sierra and I even made a feeding schedule for me!"

As I say that Rosalie growls. I wonder why. Did she not like what I called it? I mean it did sound kinda degrading. Oh well.

"So, um I was wondering since you know about Renee and stuff, if you could make sure I ya know eat when I have to. Like, right now I only eat like once every 3 weeks or so. So, you can like make sure I eat more than that. Sierra and I agreed on Lunch every 3 days. That starts today, so could you uh, help me with that?" I question, kind of awkwardly.

"Sure. I would love to help" Rosalie replies.

"Thanks dude" I say and hug her, "Now I have to go face the nosy population of Forks. Gods dang it" I mumble and walk off.

So, I incorporated the truck scene. How did I do? I totally tried my best. Ok, I might have been a bit rushed. Oh well.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

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