Building Up

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I woke up to my alarm blaring on my phone, I opened my phone and turned it off, then cuddled back into Sierra. I decided not to go to school today. I wanted to spend more time with Sierra before she had to leave. I knew today would be a bad day, so I was just gonna sleep through it and hope I miss it. I wake up again, but this time it was to Sierra shaking me. I open my eyes and glare at her. I was fucking tired... just let me sleep.

She says "Wake up Bells, we are going to have some fun today!" I smile at her excitement and get up.

"Fine, I'm only getting up because of you" I mumble. I look at my phone and it was 10:00. It was probably a good idea to wake me up now. I walk towards the bathroom and brush my teeth then get dressed in the normal all black. I make sure my arms are covered with a long sleeve t- shirt. I walk out only to smell something cooking. I go downstairs to see Sierra making some eggs. I go up behind her and yell "BOO". She screams then starts to hit me with the wooden spatula she was using to stir the fluffy substance. I run yelling "I'm sorry" and just laughing. She eventually catches up with me and tackles me to the floor. I fall with a thud. "Ow" I yell.

"Oh my gods, I'm sorry Bells. Did I hurt you?"

"Nah its fine Si. Didn't hurt a bit" I laugh through the pain. It hurt like a lot. Uck. Sierra gives me a look showing she doesn't believe me. I just smile and take the spatula and put the eggs on a plat. "You wanna go to Port Angeles today? We can have a fun day before you leave" I suggest.

"That's just what I was thinking" she replies. I smile then hand the plate to Sierra. As I wait for her to finish eating I tell her the day I planned out. We would go to the book store first then we would do whatever she wanted. I didn't really care as long as I got to spend time with her. As Sierra gets up to clean the dishes, I hear the doorbell ring. It better not be Rosalie, or else imma be pissed. I go to the door and open it. I see Victoria standing there, I was about to slam the door but she holds it open. I glare at her and she says

"I have to talk to you". I sigh and let her in. Sierra looks up, asking who was at the door. When she sees Victoria, she freezes.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

"I'm here to talk to Bella about something important" Victoria says.

"Whatever you have to say you can tell me too" Sierra states. Victoria sighs and looks at me and whispers

"It has to do with vampires" My eyes widen. I don't want Sierra exposed to this stuff, but she is almost as stubborn as myself, I guess it's time to come clean.

I look towards Sierra and ask "Do you believe in vampires?" Her eyes widen and she just nods her head.

"Yes, I have met one, I knew Victoria was one, I just couldn't figure out her eyes" she says. My eyes widen at this.

"You never told me" I say, slightly hurt, even if I was being a hypocrite.

She looks towards me, sad "I didn't know you knew B. I didn't want you to be involved with this kinda stuff"

"I can see that", I said. "I did the exact same thing". Victoria clears her throat, getting both of our attentions. We look towards her and she says

"Now the important news I needed to share. The Volturi are coming today"

My eyes widen once more and I yell "WHAT". I look towards Sierra and ask her if she knows who the Volturi are. She says no. I explain.

"The Volturi are vampire royalty. They enforce the vampire laws. And we are violating one of them".

"Which ones are we violating" asks Sierra.

"The law about humans knowing about vampires" I reply. "Whatever we do, we can't let on that we know what they are" I say, quite seriously.

"Bella is correct. They can't know you two know or else you two will be killed, or turned" Victoria says. Sierra pales at this news. I know that this is bad.

"Okay we are going to Port Angeles today" I say to Victoria.

"Okay, they probably won't look there for humans that know us" Victoria says.

"I will take my leave now' and then she is gone.

I look towards Sierra and say "Let's go get dressed then". She just smiles and walks up the stairs. I walk up after her, and ask her what she thinks of the Volturi coming.

"I think we can avoid them, we just don't need to draw attention to ourselves"

"Ok, you're right Si. Be inconspicuous. Can't be that hard right?" I smile to myself.

Okay, so I am building up to the like turning point. I just have one question because I can't decide. Don't read the rest if you don't want a spoiler.

Do y'all want Sierra to be mated with Jane of the Volturi or Tanya Denali, the Cullen's "cousin"?

Answer me in the comment thingys please.

Thanks for reading and thanks for waiting for an update...

Also. I am writing a new story it's a femslash also. I am focusing ore on that because if I don't have the inspiration to write then I won't write. I'll post whenever inspiration hits.

-Klutzy Stone Heart

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