First Day

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Disclaimer: I own nothing here except Sierra. I don't own Twilight or its characters.

One person that I never expected to see again walked right through the door. She had striking red hair and a very pale complexion. A Cold One just walked right through the doors of that cafe. I recognized her she was like a sister to me. Before she left. Her name being Victoria. I go to hurriedly leave, but she sees me before I can make a clean getaway. She looks remorseful for a second and freezes. While she does so, I get out of there. I race to my truck and throw my leftovers in the passenger side and start on my way home. I hope that she gets the hint and doesn't come after me.

Once I get home, I just curl up with a blanket and start reading one of the books I got. Reading has always been an escape for me. When the pain got too much I would read, and while I was in a different world the pain would fade away. When I got lonely, I would read myself into an extraordinary adventure. And when I got upset I would read until my emotions calmed down. That was how Charlie found me, curled up with a stack of books by my side. He asked if I was hungry and I just said no. He then left me alone and went to make himself some dinner. I then went upstairs to call Sierra.

Hey Si

Hey B, you sound upset what's wrong?

You remember that girl I told you about that used to be my best friend? Yeah, I saw her today. My emotions are all screwed up right now.

Oh baby, I don't know how to make this better, but I can always read you a story? You know you love it when I do that.

Yes please Si. I just don't want to be alone. She hurt me so bad.

I know baby. What book do you want me to read to you?

Little house on the prairie, please.

Ok baby. Let me begin... And Sierra read me the first 5 chapters before stopping and asking do you feel better now?

Yes Si. Thank you for doing this for me. I love you.

As I love you B.

So, how was your day?

Fine I decked a guy in the face, nothing new.

HA! What did he say?


Tell me! I whine.

Ok, he said that you were a coward for running to Washington after your hospital visit.

....So you decked him for that?

Uh.... Yeah.

I feel so proud right now. Good for you.

I know right? It felt so damn good to do that.

Okay babe, what time is it over there?

Midnight. Sierra says sheepishly.

We might need to get off the phone now.

But I don't want to B!

Both of us have school tomorrow Si, we have to be well rested. So goodnight. I love you.

Love you too. Night.

After I get off the phone with Sierra, I take a quick Shower and lay out another all black ensemble for tomorrow. Then I go to bed.

The next morning I woke to the blaring alarm clock. I groaned and fell out of bed with a thump. I groaned and got up and dressed. This morning I had my black combat boots, plain black t-shirt, and some black jeans and my awesome black leather jacket. I go downstairs and see a note on the fridge that reads

Sorry I'm not here to take you to your first day. Here is some lunch money and directions to the school.

You're Dad

I smiled at the fact that Charlie cared enough to leave a note and money for food. Renee never cared. Oh well. I go back upstairs and decide not to eat today considering I am full from yesterday. I put my hair in a high ponytail, brush my teeth and leave. I get my bag from my bedroom, but not before seeing another flash of blonde outside my window. I really need to get curtains. Fucking vampires and disrupting my life. I think.

I don't care and they can do whatever they want as long as they don't bother me. I already knew where the school was from my walk around the town. Once I got there everyone stopped and stared at me. I yelled "It will last longer if you take a picture" and smirked at how everyone hurriedly turned around. I looked for the office and went in. There was an old lady at the desk with a name plate saying Mrs. Cope. I walk up and say "Hi, I'm the new student. Isabella Swan." "Oh, the chiefs daughter" she says. "Well here is your schedule and a map of the school." "Thank you Miss" I reply and then turn away to look at my schedule.

1st period AP Lit 9:00-10:00

2nd period Pre-Calculus 10:15-11:15

3rd period World History 11:30-12:30

Lunch break 12:30-1:30

4th period AP Biology 1:45-2:45

5th period Gym 3:00-4:00

I sigh and walk to 1st period. The day goes by fast until lunch. I was invited to sit with by a girl named Jessica and a guy named Mike, who can't keep it in his pants.

When I get to the cafeteria I see Mike waving like an idiot. I walk over and sit down next to a quiet girl named Angela. She and another guy, Ben are probably the only ones I like at this place. As everyone was getting their lunches out, the cafeteria suddenly got quiet and started looking at the back entrance. I noticed and looked to where they were looking. In walked 6 vampires. It took all I had in me to not yell vampire. Jessica noticed me looking and said "OH, you've noticed the Cullen's and the Hales."

"The who's"

"Those people you were staring at. They think that they are better than all of us and like to remain a mystery. The little one is Alice Cullen, and the blonde that looks in pain is Jasper Hale. They are together as is Victoria Cullen, the redhead, and Emmett Cullen the big burly one. The last blonde is Rosalie Hale and she is single as is the bronze haired one, Edward Cullen. They all have the same last names because they are adopted. And don't even try to ask Edward out on a date. He rejects all." Jessica says the last sentence with a bit of bitterness.

"And you would know right?" I ask Jessica. She turns bright red and starts stuttering, but is cut off by laughter from the Cullen and Hale table. "Okay well, I'm going to go explore this drab little place some more. Don't wait up." I say then stand up and walk away. Once I am in the hallway, I take out my map and look for the library. I find it and walk to it. It is actually decent sized for a small school. I pick a book and start reading until the end of lunch.

By that time I go to Biology. I am one of the first there so I ask where to sit. Mr. Banner says "Go sit next to Ms. Hale"

This fic isn't really gonna be like right when it comes to time. Cuz I kinda was to lazy to look up the time difference. Oh well, I tried. Hopes y'all like this one.

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