The Talk

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I look up and saw the person I never wanted to speak to again; Victoria.

"What do you want?" I spit out.

"Just to talk. Why don't you come over today?" She asks.

"Why should I?" I question

"Because we need to talk. Maybe so where less conspicuous"

"Fine but only to get you off my back. After this I don't ever want to speak to you again" I seethed.

"Ok, I'll give you my address after class. Don't hesitate to come over" she says with a smile.

"Oh just shut up!" I whisper-yell. "I'm only going because if I don't I know that your kind will continue to spy on me. Just... Gash!"

After that we lapse into silence. At 5 minutes till the bell we were allowed to go out and change. So I do so and change.

After I change I look for my books that I left in the bench near my locker. Now I can't find them and start panicking until I hear a voice behind me say "Looking for this?" I whip around to see Victoria holding my things with Alice and Rosalie behind her.

"Yes." I reply. "Now give me my books back now."

"Here you go. I wrote our address on the first page of the red notebook."

"You didn't read anything in it right?"

"We didn't read anything" She assures me. I give a sigh of relief and turn to walk away. As I was doing so I said

"I'll be there around 5." Once I got outside I got in my truck and drove home. When I got home I did the HW in about 10 minutes. This small town curriculum was way too easy. After my HW I read until 4:40 and then look up the address and see the Cullen's don't live too far. I decide to run there since I hadn't run since getting here. Running has always been an escape for me. It made me feel free and let me forget about Renee and my shitty life for a little bit. At 4:45 I have my earbuds in and my phone in my pocket with my running shoes on. I start running, and about 2 miles away from my house I see the entrance to their house. It was a mile long driveway. I run down the drive until I see a huge mansion. It looked very contemporary and had a lot of windows. I then go and knock on the door and the person who I ran into yesterday at the bookstore answered.

"Oh you must be Bella" she says.

"Hello Miss, yes I am" I reply.

"Oh no need for the formalities, please call me Esme." she says. I just nod even though I know that I would still call her Miss.

"Please come in dear" she says. I nod and walk in. The entryway was grand and I was directed to the living room. It was really white is all I have to say. All 6 vampire "children" were in the living room.

Me being me, I ask "Why am I even here?"

"Because I wanted to talk to you Bells" Victoria says.

"You don't get to call me that anymore. Not after you left me."

"I had too" she says with sadness flickering across her face.

"Are you going to tell me why you just HAD to go and abandon me at the worst time possible?" I almost yell.

Esme then intervenes and says "Why don't you two go up to Victoria's room to talk this out. I'll bring snacks."

"Ok Miss. But we won't be needing any snacks; I already ate and I know you guys can't eat"

Just then the bronze haired one comes up to me and yells "How do you know this? And why can't I read you?"

"Why would you be able to read me Bronzy?" I retort.

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