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I woke up, startled, only to see gold and crystal blue eyes staring back at me. I jump up, not prepared to see anybody so abruptly. I feel a hand pushing me back down, and I just glare at the offending hand. I hear some chuckles and I look up. Both Rosalie and Sierra were sitting on the side of what seems to be a hospital bed. I smile at Sierra and then look towards Rosalie, not really knowing what to do.

I was still incredibly angry with her, she betrayed my trust. Why was she even here? I guess I spoke my thoughts aloud, seeing as how Sierra was glaring at Rosalie and Rosalie was about to respond to me.

"I'm here because I brought you to the hospital after you fainted" She said. I just glare at her, although I was kinda grateful for her bringing me here, but I kinda hate hospitals. I look towards Sierra and ask a very serious question.

"Where is my Pokémon sweatshirt?" Sierra and Rosalie burst out laughing. "What? It's a legitimate question" I glare at them


"Here" Sierra says, and hands me my sweatshirt. I smile and slip it on, after I take off the dumb IV. Rosalie looks like she wants to object to me taking it off, but she refrained from saying anything.

"So, what exactly happened?" I finally question. That immediately sobers them both up.

"How much do you remember Bells" Sierra asks.

"Up until I fainted" I reply.

"Well nothing really significant happened, you fainted after that happened, I found you and Rosalie, yelled at Rosalie then we brought you to the hospital" she said, emotionlessly. Oh, that must have been so rough on her, nothing could have prepared me if I saw the aftermath of what happened with me, if I were her.

"What happened to the police?" I asked, not really wanting to be interrogated.

"Our friends from Denali have handled it, they came down to help us with the Volturi" Rosalie replied.

"Thank Gods" I mutter. "Why were you even there though, I didn't need you and I'm still mad at you" I said. Rosalie visibly deflates at this, I know I was being cruel, but she really hurt me.

"I-you were in trouble, I wanted to help you" she says. I just nod, not asking what she was going to say.

"When can I leave this place?" I ask. Rosalie stands up and says she will go ask, leaving Sierra and I alone. I look at her and smile. We just sit in silence, waiting for Rosalie. When Rosalie comes back she has a beautiful blonde, but she doesn't hold a candle to Sierra. She kinda stares at Sierra for a little bit before breaking out of her apparent stupor.

"This is my cousin. Her name is Tanya, I hope y'all get along with each other. Also, you can leave now if you want" Rosalie says. I nod and start to get up. Seeing as how I didn't have one of those god-awful hospital gowns on, I just walked out and signed my discharge papers. I grabbed Sierras hand and asked where my car was.

"Tanya drove it here, seeing as how I didn't want be apart from you and Rosalie disappeared for a lil bit" Sierra replies. I just nod, and we start walking towards my car. I look back and see Tanya glaring at us, more specifically me. Huh, wonder what that is about. 

Anyways, I open the door for Sierra, even when injured one should always remember their manners. I give Sierra a little peck on the lips and then go to the driver's side of the car and start it up. I look up and see Rosalie and Tanya glaring at both of us, they really need to quit that, it's kinda freaky. I wave and send them a smile then drive off, back to my house.

When I get there, Charlie is sitting in the living room. He looks a bit worried, I think the news of me being attacked got to him. I yell a greeting and then walk towards the stairs with Sierra in tow. Charlie stands up and walks over before I can escape to my room. Then he suddenly envelopes me in a huge hug. I just reciprocate, and we stay there for a good couple minutes.

Then he pats me on the back and says, "You did good Bells, and if I ever see those bastards I will personally shoot them with my gun". He then smiles and pats my back then walks away, that was weird, but who isn't weird in my messed up lil family. I smile and hug him again.

I didn't know what to do next, so I just said" I'm going to go up and rest now". I smile at him and grasp Sierras hand again and walk up the stairs to my room. When I get to my room I just collapse on my bed and start falling into a deep sleep. I can hear Sierra laughing at me and I just groan at her.


The next morning, I wake up needing to pee. I got up and went to the bathroom and when I came back Sierra was already up, packing.

I sneak up behind her and yell "Waddup". She turns around quickly and yelps a bit. She then glares at me and slaps me on the shoulder. I just laugh and ask if she needs help packing. She nods and says to go get her toiletries. I comply and go get them, on the way I notice that Charlie is gone from his bedroom, must mean he is at work. Geez, he is never here. Oh well. I gather Sierras stuff and put it in the bag she gave me. When I get back to my room I see her sitting next to her suitcase, waiting for me and her toiletries I would assume. I walk up, and she looks up at me and smiles. I hand her the bag of stuff and she puts it away and zips up her suitcase.

"When do you have to leave?" I ask, as I walk to the closet to put on some different clothes.

"My flight leaves at 6 tonight and seeing as how it is only nine, we have some time to just hang out" she replies.

As she says that the doorbell rings. I quickly run down the stairs, wondering who could be at the door, seeing as how nobody ever really visits.

So, it's been a while. I started writing this story when I was in a different headspace, and I can't seem to get back into that headspace. Updating will probably be very, VERY sporadic.  Anyways, if you have any suggestions, don't be afraid to share them with me, either through comments or DMing me.

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it.

-Klutzy Stone Heart

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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