Chapter Two

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[Chapter Two]

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[Chapter Two]

The Quidditch World Cup was nothing short of chaotic upon arrival, as to be expected as witches and wizards from all over the world had gathered for the event. It was an odd sight to see so many magical folks gathered in one place, the Ministry of Magic tried to prevent that from happening as it was an easy way to draw the attention of muggles. The Malfoys didn't travel directly to the area to where the match was being held, but rather to the Ministry of Magic building in order to travel with Cornelius Fudge. They were guests in his luxury box within the stadium, so it only seemed right to meet up with him first.

However, Cornelius was beyond distracted that morning as he was trying to sort and manage so many things at once, especially since he had the Bulgarian Minister arriving to be in his company as well later on that evening. But throughout his flustered state, he was able to just greet Lucius before directing the family to where they would be going. Just that morning, Narcissa and Lucius had been discussing whether or not they would be going by the use of a portkey or perhaps by apparating. Under normal circumstances, apparating wasn't very comfortable for anyone that was participating with Side-Along apparating. However, they couldn't imagine a portkey would be any better for their sons.

A portkey definitely took some mastering and Lucius decided against it, mainly because he didn't want to risk the chance of Saros falling over. Of course, he would never dare to mention such a thing or he would risk Saros becoming upset. Over the years, he had accused his parents of treating him like a helpless infant. He understood that they were trying to help him, but he wanted them to understand that he was still able to pretty much do things on his own. He had the prosthetic for a reason and he didn't feel as limited as his family saw him to be.

Apparating seemed to be the best bet that morning for both parties though as Saros would be able to hold onto his father's arm. That reassured Lucius that if need, he would be able to hold onto Saros as well and keep him standing.

Thankfully, the family managed and Saros didn't experience any complications besides a small case of feeling dizzy as they came to land on solid ground again. Draco didn't do much better as he released his mother's arm only to stumble back, bringing his older brother to laugh.

"Shut up, Saros," Draco grumbled as he quickly scrambled to his feet and brushed off his clothing, "it's not funny."

"You're right, it's not funny," Saros grinned, " it was hilarious."

"Oh, I'll show you hilarious-" The boy went to lunge and attack, but Lucius caught Draco by the back of his shirt with the use of the hooked end of his walking stick, keeping Draco practically running in place.

"Enough you two, need I remind you that we are in public now, behave."

The two waited until Lucius offered his arm to his wife and led the way to where they needed to go to enter. Saros looked over to see the irritated look on Draco's face as the fight had ended too abruptly for him.

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