Chapter Eighteen

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[Chapter Eighteen]

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[Chapter Eighteen]

Saros didn't know what had possessed him or overcame him during Defence Against the Dark Arts when he confessed to Angelina that not only did he find her attractive but that he didn't want her to get hurt. It was all the truth, of course, but that was the problem, he didn't want to go admitting such things, especially if he wasn't fully prepared to act on anything. It wasn't like he was going to ask her out on a date anytime soon and there was no guarantee that she was even going to say yes, so admitting such things as his feelings had been a bad move on his behalf.

Yet, he couldn't deny how much it pleased him to see the smile on Angelina's face that refused to fade as she continued to sit next to him in all their shared classes. Everyone else seemed to notice it too, Alicia was practically grinning as hard as Angelina, ready to tease her friend all about the flirting that was taking place back and forth between her and Saros. And the Weasley twins? They looked just about ready to explode as they didn't know what to think about what was taking place. That brought Saros some much-needed satisfaction to get him through the rest of the week.

However, his little spurt of confidence and happiness quickly came to an abrupt end one afternoon after Transfiguration as he sat in the Great Hall for lunch. The owls were coming in rather later than usual with their delivery of mail and Saros had been mid-bite of his sandwich when a letter was dropped before him.  As much as he had been anticipating a letter back from Andromeda, with every passing day, it seemed unlikely that she was going to respond.

Instead, the letter was from his parents and Saros was actually dreading reading anything they had to say, especially since he hadn't written to them personally about being involved in the Triwizard Tournament as of yet. He was torn between wanting to talk to them and wanting to ignore them, for such reasons as Angelina, Luna, and asking his Aunt Andromeda for help.

Saros felt like he was constantly having an internal battle every day. He wanted to be a good son to his parents because he had grown up happy in their care and he knew that they loved him and Draco. They had provided both of their sons with everything they needed and everything they had wanted under the Malfoy household. And even though Saros had faced hardships as a child, it wasn't his parents' fault, they never wanted him to get hurt. Lucius and Narcissa had usually always put the boys first before anything else.

But then Saros questioned if all the luxuries and love he had received were conditional upon following their rules to the end. What would his mother and father think if he claimed that he wanted to date Angelina Johnson? She wasn't part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight and being part of the Gryffindor House was a double-whammy considering his family believed all them to be basically blood-traitors just by a sorting. Then there was his friendship with Luna Lovegood, the Lovegoods weren't in good standings with those that valued pureblooded privilege as they were thought to be a "quirky" sort.

And if Saros admitted to his mother that he had gone to Andromeda, it would very well confirm that he was questioning all his beliefs as he turned to one of the "traitors" in the family.

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