Chapter Thirty-Six

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[Chapter Thirty-Six]

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[Chapter Thirty-Six]

Angelina didn't hesitate to go and try to get Madam Pomfrey to help Saros in any way that she could. She didn't understand what had happened to him during class besides the fact that it looked like he was living through a nightmare while awake or he was reliving through the horrible memories that involved the lethifold creature. She couldn't believe that Professor Moody had done such a thing, especially since he very well knew about the attack. Everyone knew about it since Rita Skeeter's article was published, she would think that a man who had lost his own leg to dark magic would be able to practice some empathy towards Saros. But it was foolish to assume such things, especially since Moody never really came across as the caring type.

Maybe all his years as an Auror had left him hardened or maybe he really lived up to his titled name of being "mad." Still, it was no excuse to treat Saros in such ways, it was bad enough that Saros did a fantastic job of beating himself up on his own, he didn't need any help. It infuriated Angelina beyond everything because she wanted Saros to be okay. She wanted the playful and flirty Saros to return, not the one that was being torn down right in front of her. Feeling so helpless, Angelina didn't know what to do to help him, but she hoped Madam Pomfrey would have a solution.

As she walked out of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom and made her way down the corridor towards the Hospital Wing, Professor McGonagall appeared coming around the corner at the end. She had heard the commotion of the sixth years being outside of the classroom, she couldn't possibly imagine that they were all stupid enough to be skipping class. When Angelina spotted her, she ran over, bringing the Transfiguration professor to look alarmed at the sudden approach.

"Professor McGonagall, something's happened," Angelina breathed, " it's Saros Malfoy, he started getting upset in class! Professor Moody was discussing lethifolds and he started to panic. He fell out of his chair and when he hit the floor, it sounded like he couldn't breathe. Professor Moody told all of us to clear the room, but I was going to go get Madam Pomfrey."

Concern laced the features of McGonagall's face, softening her usually stern expression before she told Angelina to carry on in the direction of the Hospital Wing and inform Madam Pomfrey of the event. Angelina started moving once more, looking over her shoulder to watch as Professor McGonagall made her way over towards the classroom, telling the other students to get themselves in Study Hall and occupy their free time wisely. 

Once the area cleared out, McGonagall didn't even bother with knocking on the closed door, making her way inside to assess the situation at hand. But as she walked in, Saros was sitting up in one of the chairs, looking still somewhat clammy and pale, but he was awake and alert. Professor Moody was standing beside him, offering the boy some calming tea to settle his nerves. At the sound of the door opening though, the two looked over in McGonagall's direction and she would hate to admit it, but Saros Malfoy looked absolutely terrible.

There was really nothing that got past McGonagall during her time working and learning things throughout the school and with Poppy Pomfrey being one of her oldest and closest friends at the castle, the discussion of Saros had come up multiple times, especially in the recent months. Hoping that Pomfrey would arrive quickly, McGonagall asked to speak with Professor Moody outside to confront him over his unethical practices. She was aware that Dumbledore had given him a looser reign with his teaching methods, but there was no excuse to sit there and traumatise one of the students.

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