Chapter Fifty-Six

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[Chapter Fifty-Six]

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[Chapter Fifty-Six]

Surrounding the events that were leading up to the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament, there was an odd air about the castle. Things seemed to be just fine, no one seemed to have a care in the world, but at the same time, there was unexplained tension in the air that was hard to shake off. Saros was doing his best to just make it through to the end, with the plans of handing the win over to Harry at the last minute. Of course, he didn't expose his plan to Angelina or she would probably have an absolute fit that he was going to throw away his chance. But at the same time, Saros didn't care about the tournament anymore, it didn't hold the same meaning as it once did for him.

He was no longer attempting to prove himself to his parents, he had a family ready to back him up in the wings if needed. There was no purpose in him winning either because he didn't care about the eternal glory or the money anymore. Despite missing a leg, Saros really had everything that he ever wanted without realising it before. He had a supportive family that wasn't on the terms of conditional love, he had friends that weren't forced upon him since childhood, and he had an amazing girlfriend that cared about him. Life was so good for Saros that he couldn't find himself to care about the tournament anymore.

There wasn't a call to be flashy or demonstrate magical knowledge to the judges, which was somewhat helpful since it seemed that Barty Crouch was more than likely going to remain absent from the tournament. Since he had practically vanished after the First Task, apparently coming down with some sort of illness, nothing else was really said about him. Which made Saros wonder just what illness had fallen upon Mr Crouch?

Truth be told, he seemed to be the only fair judge in the beginning, as the majority of the others had played their favourites and some went through the trouble of accusing him of cheating. It felt like Saros had been set up to lose, but fortunately, Mr Crouch had given him hope with a high score right from the start. However, even if Mr Crouch was present for the third task, which was highly unlikely, it wouldn't make much of a difference.

It was all about making it to the end first. No matter what, that was going to determine the winner, and Saros could see that if he and Harry teamed up, they would be pretty much unstoppable. Harry had proved himself to be a force to be reckoned with since the beginning.  If they paired up against Fleur and Viktor who were only in it for themselves, they would have no problem getting to the end.

Saros was confident with that thought above all other things.

As the time drew near, Saros didn't pay attention to the upcoming date, instead, he was focused on his classes as if he was going to sit for the exams. He was studying on Apparating, hoping to take the test again once school was over and actually being able to do it without a problem. He and Tonks were sending letters back and forth, making plans for the summer, that even included inviting Angelina and the Weasley twins along.

It was like starting over a completely new life and for moments at a time, Saros completely forgot about the turmoil that had taken place over the previous summer and during the school year. He didn't think about his parents much anymore, instead, he thought about the first dinner that he was invited to at Aunt Andromeda's home when school was over. His only conflicting feelings involved what he was going to send Sirius in his next care package to keep the man alive and well.

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