Chapter Thirty-Eight

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[Chapter Thirty-Eight]

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[Chapter Thirty-Eight]

As if Saros didn't have enough to stress out about in his life so far, there was another challenge that was presenting itself, not only to him but other students that were appropriate of age. Every year, shortly after the Christmas holidays, usually the students that were in their sixth year were given the option of taking a twelve-week course that went over Apparition. It was a very crucial form of transportation for magic folk as it always seemed to be the fastest when trying to get to a location. But it was also one of the more dangerous ones if someone was unable to do it properly.

The class itself had cost twelve galleons and Saros was quite thankful that his parents had already allotted him the money before the start of term in anticipation of him starting. It was basically the last nice thing they had done for him and Saros was quite thankful that he didn't have to worry about dipping into his own stash of money just yet. Only those that were seventeen or would be seventeen by the near end of April would be able to sign-up for the class. The exam itself was on the twenty-first of April, leaving Saros able to take it along with Angelina, her friend Alicia, and the Weasley Twins that were highly thankful that their birthday fell on the first of April.

They all seemed relatively excited about it, seeing as it was the only topic of discussion in the classrooms during class time, but Saros couldn't help but feel nervous. He had heard horror stories about apparating from people that had failed to do it correctly. There was such a thing as "splinching" where witches or wizards would attempt to apparate or disapparate and end up leaving parts of their clothing or even body parts behind.

Looking down at his prosthetic, Saros thought about all the horrible outcomes of leaving his prosthetic behind somewhere or the possibility of losing his other leg. He had apparated before but it was only at the side of one of his parents, so he knew the sensation of it, but he had never initiated it. His parents were well-seasoned with the practice, so he never had to worry about getting hurt in their company, but this was all to be done on his own.

On top of everything between dealing with his family drama or drama of the tournament, Saros was considering just leaving the Apparating Class to his seventh year at Hogwarts. That way he wasn't going to load everything onto his plate at once. However, the more he thought about it, he found himself under the pressure of being the only one of his year that was of age, not to go through with it. Not to mention, the way everyone was hyping it up, he didn't want to be the only one not doing it.

And if he was going to be independent or at least, separate from his parents, he needed to do everything in his power to prove his independence. Sure, he could rely on the Floo Network or even portkeys, but Saros didn't want to hold himself back. He had allowed his fears and paranoia pertaining to his leg to scare him long enough. He needed to keep moving forward, he needed to succeed, not for anyone else but for himself.

So when the parchment had made its way to the bulletin board within the Slytherin Common Room, Saros signed his name.

It made Angelina happy to know that he was going to be joining her along with her friends. And it was nice for Saros to see her happy, considering she had been awfully shy around him since her attempt to ask him on a date. She was still playing the idea that she was just asking him to hang out as a friend and that the context of Valentine's Day had nothing to do with anything. Of course, Saros played along, claiming that it wasn't a date, but the fact that it was technically a date.

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