Chapter Six

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[Chapter Six]

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[Chapter Six]

Normally, Saros would never use such language, especially in the presence of one of his parents, but the boy couldn't help himself in those moments. He knew what he had come to witness and he meant what he said, the entire evening had been ruined. Perhaps his father was not the one to place all the blame on, but Saros was going to place a fair amount on Lucius' shoulders. His father knew better than anyone else how much quidditch meant to Saros, seeing as the boy couldn't play, the matches were important to him. Since the last World Cup had ended in disaster for the family, it was the opportunity to start over and experience a great time. It had been going so well and then, Lucius and his friends just had to ruin it all.

Saros could assume that his father didn't intend for his family to get involved at any point, but it didn't matter. Seeing people run off in panic, it reminded Saros of the incident where people had been running and screaming at the sight of the boy's mauled leg. It was as if Lucius had forgotten all about it, or he simply didn't care enough that the idea of causing havoc didn't bother him. But then he had the nerve to offer Saros his walking stick, something Saros wouldn't have needed at the moment if his father had done the right thing.

Instead, he held no regrets as he launched his father's precious heirloom as far as he could throw it. Even though he was in pain, he was satisfied with his father's expression that only appeared as mortified by his son's outburst. Lucius looked lost for words and claimed that he would be right back and they would be heading home to where Narcissa and Draco were waiting on them.  As much as Saros didn't want to leave with the man, it wasn't fair for his mother to suffer and worry as to what was taking place. He was sure that his mother was pacing the manor and wouldn't stop until they returned, leaving him with little to no choice.

With Lucius walking off to retrieve his walking stick, Saros was left in front of Angelina Johnson and her father, leaving him uncomfortable for a moment. The last thing he remembered was being knocked to the ground and to find himself waking up in the care of someone he didn't know, felt odd. Not to mention, he wasn't sure how much of him had been witnessed, he prayed that no one had come to witness his leg, he had done so well at hiding it.

"Well, aren't you going to say "thank you" to my father?" Angelina questioned him, just as Saros opened his mouth. He actually had been preparing a "thank you" in the direction of the man. Not knowing him well, but at least he hadn't put him in danger like his own father had. However, Saros did not like being prompted or being told what to do, especially by someone of his own age.

He could hear the bossy and demanding tone to the girl's voice, very similar to the one she had used earlier when she wanted him to move out of the way of her and her friends at the vendor's stand. Within seconds, Saros cast an irritated glance in her direction, not speaking for a few seconds, just to defy her further.

"I am more than capable of offering a "thank you" on my own terms, rather than you prompting me like a child," Saros growled at her before turning to Mr Johnson. "I appreciate what you've done for me, Sir. Truly I do and I also offer my apologies for inconveniencing you and your impatient daughter. I'm sure you could have used the time better to work on her manners or teaching her that the world doesn't revolve around her and what she wants at every moment."

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