Chapter Twenty-Eight

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[Chapter Twenty-Eight]

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[Chapter Twenty-Eight]

"Fred and George did that?!"

Angelina sat in the library with Saros as he was working on his Herbology homework pertaining to the Snargaluff pods they had worked with that very afternoon. During which, Angelina had arrived and Saros had explained to her that after reading the article that Rita Skeeter had written that the Weasley twins had confronted him. She immediately became nervous, thinking that the boys had approached Saros looking for trouble since they had made it clear earlier that they didn't like or trust Saros. However, when he informed her that they had kept him company in the Owlery until he was able to gather himself, she was in pure shock. 

Glancing up from his parchment paper, Saros paused in his writing to look over at her as she stared at him wide-eyed.

"Well, yes, that's what I just said," he told her, "did you not hear me clearly?"

She made a face at him, unsure if he was being playful or if he was just finding her reaction to be overdramatic. Either way, she felt she had the right to act surprised as it was completely unexpected for the Weasley twins to console him. After all, they had been the ones warning her over and over and reminding her that Saros was a Malfoy.

"Yes, I heard you just fine, Saros," she answered with a slight roll of her eyes, " I'm just surprised that's all. I mean, Fred and George can be really sweet, know...I mean-"

"It's unexpected because of how our families act around one another, is that what you wanted to say?"

Biting down on her lower lip, Angelina could feel her face flushing with warmth as she didn't want to just call it out like that. It felt incredibly rude and already she was feeling guilty due to Rita's article. As soon as Alicia had brought the article to her attention, Angelina entered a state of panic thinking that Saros was going to think that she had told Rita Skeeter his story. But she hadn't done so and she didn't know how Rita had figured it out because it was almost word for word with what he had told her after the First Task.

However, Saros had never been concerned or suspicious that it was Angelina that had told Rita about it, he made sure to tell her that. He didn't know how Rita got the information either, but it didn't matter because the damage had already been done. His story had been exposed, for the whole school to read and if he wasn't popular enough before, the story had brought about a new fanbase within the school walls. People coming up to him, telling Saros how heroic and brave he was to face such a tragedy, and while some may have viewed it as acts of kindness, it just left him completely irritated.

But not with Angelina, he couldn't bring himself to be irritated with her as she was one of the few people that allowed him to feel relaxed around.

"You don't have to be flustered about it, considering its the truth," Saros replied, " I'm sure they have informed you over time of my father's behaviour towards their father. And Draco has been quite open about his feelings towards Ron and the rest of the Weasleys. I don't blame them for being hesitant around me, especially them. I stepped on one of their feet at the Quidditch World Cup with my prosthetic. Satisfying at the time since they called my father an arse-kisser, but looking back, it wasn't the right thing to do."

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