Chapter Eight

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[Chapter Eight]

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[Chapter Eight]

Saros didn't know what to make of his company with Luna Lovegood initially but by the end of the train ride, he found himself in a better mood than he had been throughout the summer. She was quirky and the way she spoke several times left Saros quite puzzled, yet, there was an innocence about her and a sincerity to her tone whenever she said something that he believed was a compliment. There was no such thing as malicious intent or scheming behind her gaze or in the tone of her airy voice.  In fact, it was quite relaxing to be in Luna's presence and Saros had to pat himself on the back for actually giving the young witch a chance and remaining in her company.

He could already hear the scoffing of his younger brother if Draco knew that Saros had joined the company of the odd Ravenclaw he would probably be bombarded with questions the next time they spoke to each other. Saros wouldn't blame him entirely as the Lovegoods were borderline considered a blood-traitor family, although they were nowhere near the level of the Weasley family. Draco was only following the word of what they had been taught for so many years.

And for many years, Saros had believed all of it as well, however, after what he had witnessed at the Quidditch World Cup, he was beginning to question a lot about his upbringing. It didn't have so much to do with his parents but the beliefs that were forced upon him and Draco from an early age, the same beliefs and views that Narcissa and Lucius had been brought up on as well. There was no doubt in Saros' mind that his parents loved him dearly, they loved him and they loved Draco just the same. They would do anything for their boys as there was an unconditional love set within the Malfoy family.

But Saros had to wonder if it was truly unconditional.

If he chose to go against the beliefs that had been preached to him from the time he was a toddler, would his parents still love him the same? Would they still support him or would something along the nightmare he had come true? Would his father turn against him? After all, while Narcissa didn't care for anyone outside of the pureblood lineage, it was really Lucius who had acted upon it. He had been one of the leaders during the attack of the muggle family at the Quidditch World Cup.

Saros imagined that if one of their sons had decided that he no longer wished to follow their word that something would happen and it wouldn't be anything good. It was killing him internally to think of such things, such as his family turning their backs on them, but it wasn't like it hadn't been done before within the families.

He knew of one of his mother's older sisters, Andromeda, who had gone against her family's wishes and married a Muggle-born. The couple had a daughter but long before that, Andromeda had her face burned from the Black family tapestry, leaving a dark gaping hole where her face had once been beside her sisters.

He actually knew Andromeda's daughter, one of his cousins, as he had attended school with her when she was an older student before she graduated. Her name was Nymphadora Tonks, a foolish name as his mother had said and perhaps Nymphadora agreed because she had only gone by her surname during her time in school. She had been sorted into Hufflepuff, another thing that added to the ridicule as Saros heard over the years.

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