Chapter Twenty-Three

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[Chapter Twenty-Three]

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[Chapter Twenty-Three]

Angelina couldn't sleep the night before the First Task as she found herself wide awake staring up at the top of her four post bed. Since Saros had revealed that the first task was indeed dragons, she had questioned if he was joking, but once he confirmed with her that it was Hermione that he informed him, she knew it wasn't anywhere near a laughing matter. She was beginning to see just how lucky she was that she had not been selected as one of the Champions. More so, Saros had anticipated danger and had placed his name into the tournament, claiming that he didn't really do it for himself but more along the lines that she wouldn't get hurt.

It was beyond a sweet gesture, but at the same time, she had to question why he had done such a thing. After all, while they were getting closer that term, it seemed like quite the sacrifice to make in her name when they were just getting friendlier with one another. It left her wondering if Saros actually cared about her longer than he let on. He was certainly making it clear in the recent times, telling her that when he needed to find something enjoyable and spend his time relaxing that he had sought her out.

Not to mention, the comments where he called her pretty, it was hard to believe that the year before they hardly said a word to each other. She only had admitted to Alicia and Katie, but she had always found Saros to be quite handsome, but she had never dared to approach those feelings due to the fact that Saros was associated with the blood supremacists of the school simply due to his family and surname. However, it seemed she along with many others had been too quick to pass their judgement on him.

She remembered seeing how angry he had been with his father at the Quidditch World Cup, how he had actually been appreciative to her own father's services. And throughout the term so far, he had seemed to grow a fondness for Luna Lovegood, protecting her as if he was her older brother. Then she had heard about his kindness displayed towards Hermione Granger, accompanying the girl to the Hospital Wing and keeping her company. It was no wonder that Hermione had decided to pay back the favour by offering him information pertaining to the first task.

But dragons?

How was Saros going to manage against them? She didn't doubt his capabilities as a wizard, he was incredibly smart that much she knew. But dragons were nothing to be messed with, after all, it took multiple wizards and witches to subdue one with stunning spells all aimed at once. What were the people running the competition expecting teenagers to handle such creatures on their own?

Since Saros had confided in her what the task was going to be, the two had spent all their free time together, whether it was in the library or somewhere in the castle, trying to prepare Saros for the task. As much as he didn't want her to get hurt, she didn't want him getting hurt either. They went over mostly protective spells and healing spells, just to make sure that he was able to protect himself against the dragon and also that if he did manage to get hurt that he was able to heal himself on the spot so that he wasn't slowed down.

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