Chapter Thirty

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[Chapter Thirty]

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[Chapter Thirty]

Saros still didn't know what to make of the situation with Angelina attending the Yule Ball with Fred Weasley. While he understood that he had made a stupid decision in being rude before she could even invite him, he still felt like she had accepted Fred's invitation out of spite against him. And while it bothered him, he had no right to say anything against it because of the way he acted. Still, he wished that they were going to be attending the ball together, however, it was completely worth the trouble because nothing could really replace just how happy Luna looked when she realised she was going to be able to go.

Outside of Luna though, Saros didn't want to think of the Yule Ball, but that seemed to be the only thing that people wanted to talk about. Even though he had said "no" to multiple invitations, there were still some people that believed they were going to be the lucky soul that changed his mind and would be his date. Yet, Saros wasn't going to ditch Luna for another, especially with how much she had helped him in recent times. She deserved a night of fun and she had been in discussion with Saros, claiming that her friend, Ginny Weasley, would also be in attendance that evening.

At least she would have friends there that were more of her age, rather than being stuck by his side for the evening as he already warned her that he wasn't one for parties. Although Luna believed that Saros would end up enjoying the evening in some way, he just had to give it a chance.

But until the Yule Ball, Saros had other matters to deal with which mainly included his family. Before Christmas, he had recieved two letters on the same day, one from Andromeda and one from his mother. He knew very well that Draco was sending information back to their parents and it was about to get ugly. After Andromeda had expressed that she was proud of Saros for getting through the First Task, she also had plenty of nasty things to say about Rita Skeeter's article as well, but she was also preparing him for the storm that was going to come. The longer Saros avoided his parents about the change of heart he was feeling, the uglier it was going to become.

Saros asked her what was the best way to approach his mother and father about him changing his mind about how he viewed muggles and muggle-borns. However, Andromeda told him that there wasn't a best way, there wasn't an easy way. No matter what, they were not going to take it well and she figured it would probably be best for him to do it through a letter rather than face to face. Face to face would potentially put him in danger as she expressed and Saros didn't understand what she had meant by that until she wrote it in her latest letter.

My parents never came across as harsh to my sisters and me, in fact, I viewed them to be very loving until I broke the news to them about Ted and me dating. It turned ugly very quickly, Saros, to the point where my father attacked me out of anger. I never saw him exhibit such anger before that time and it was terrifying. I'm not saying that your mother or father would attack you but I want you to be very careful with how you approach this. My suggestion is going through with the letter, you will be safe at Hogwarts. Your parents wouldn't make a scene there, believe me, they have too much pride to air their dirty laundry there.

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