Chapter Twenty-Nine

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[Chapter Twenty-Nine]

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[Chapter Twenty-Nine]

Saros had made a huge mistake without realising it in the beginning as he let his own wants and needs get the best of him in a moment. Angelina had approached him in the corridor after class after the Yule Ball had been announced. He had picked up on her nervous nature, but he failed to let it click in his mind as to what she was getting at. Normally, Angelina was a girl full of confidence, something he had noticed very early on, even before the two of them had started talking to one another on a regular basis. It was something that had caught his attention from the very beginning because she walked with confidence in her stride and held it in her eyes. So when he did see her nervous or bashful about something, it always threw Saros for a loop.

Obviously, she had approached him about the Yule Ball for a reason and Saros believed it was because she wanted to go with him as a date. Only, he had made a complete arse out of himself by telling her that he viewed it as a waste of time and didn't want to go because he wouldn't enjoy himself. That had definitely stopped her from asking if that had been her plan in the first place. And once Professor McGonagall had made it abundantly clear that he was required to go, Saros knew he was going to run into trouble. He wasn't sure how to approach the situation as of that moment.

He had pretty much rejected Angelina before she could ask and now that it was required for him to go, she was definitely going to wonder as to what changed his mind. If she figured it was because he had to go, he didn't think Angelina would take too kindly being asked as a basic form of requirement. Saros had already foolishly said that he wasn't going to enjoy himself, so why would she want to go with him after that? Yet, at the same time, if Saros had to go, he didn't see himself going with anyone else but her.

Normally, he didn't enjoy himself at parties and gatherings, but there was a possibility that Angelina could change that for him. Not that it mattered now because he was sure if he went ahead and asked her to the Yule Ball she was going to become suspicious over his sudden change of heart. And if she found out the truth about him having to go, it was just going to make it worse. But he had to do something, if there was anyone that he would want by his side, even to dance with, it was Angelina. He didn't know what do though and he could only turn to one other person beside Angelina when it came to having someone be understanding of him.

"So what do you think I should do?"

Luna peered over at him from where she sat in front of the Black Lake allowing her feet to soak in the cold water. Several times, Saros had expressed that he didn't think it was a good idea for her to be soaking her feet during such frigid temperatures, but Luna told him that she quite liked the cold. He didn't understand it because he was freezing and shivering in place while Luna had a bright smile on her face, occasionally splashing her feet about. Only they weren't discussing the topic of her feet or cold water anymore.

They were currently having a discussion as to what steps Saros needed to take in order to take Angelina to the Yule Ball as his date and partner. It was clear that he had made a big mistake because Angelina was going a little more than out of her way to avoid him inside of the castle since she had attempted to approach him about it. Saros had never wanted to come across as mean or rejecting towards her, but that didn't mean that she saw it that way.

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