Chapter Twenty-Seven

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[Chapter Twenty-Seven]

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[Chapter Twenty-Seven]

When he was younger up until recent times, Saros usually found himself haunted by nightmares of the lethifold attack. No two dream were the same but normally ended the same way with the loss of his leg. Sometimes the lethifold would just attack him in his sleep, other times it would attack his entire family. Each nightmare left him in a cold sweat when he woke up in his bed, glancing around whatever room he was in to make sure it was just that...a dream. However, since the completion of the First Task, Saros no longer dreamt about the lethifold. Instead, within the most recent nights, Saros' nightmares all consisted of members of his family. It was his minds way of displaying how absolutely torn he was having to deal with making such major decisions.

There were nights where he dreamed of telling his parents about Angelina, confessing how much he cared about her and how important she was to him, only to be faced with looks of disappointment and disgust, very similar to the look Draco had given when he had caught the two of them speaking in private. His father would start yelling him, reciting what Draco had said about Angelina being in Gryffindor and how she was associated with blood-traitors like the Weasley family. They would both claim that the situation would only be made worse if Saros was starting to welcome "mudbloods" into his life, in which he proceeded to tell them that he had befriended Hermione Granger in some way.

His mother cried as he tried to explain that people who weren't purebloods weren't bad people and certainly were not beneath them either. She shook her head as he tried to tell her that they needed to open up their eyes, minds, and hearts, and stop being stuck in their negative ways. He told them to embrace all magic and even those who did not possess magic, because not everyone in the world was out to get them. It was their own prejudice that was fuelling a cycle of hate, but they wouldn't listen.

Instead, Saros just found himself being shamed by his parents and by Draco, all of them yelling at him, telling him that he was in the wrong. Not only that, but he had betrayed all of them by going behind their backs. Narcissa wouldn't even look at him as he brought up the fact that he had been in contact with Andromeda. He had been reduced to nothing but a traitor and it was killing him to just stand there and face what they had to say.

Then the worst moment came for him, he had only heard stories of it, never truly being a witness to the action taking place, but he saw it. His own mother burning his face from the tapestry while tears streaming down her face, but his as well as he tried to plead with her. But it was too late as he watched his image disappear under flames. Sometimes in his nightmares, Saros would catch on fire as his face burned off the tapestry. Other times it ended with him getting kicked out the home and told to never return.

But the worst ending to his nightmares had to be the one where his father had deemed him ungrateful and for that, Lucius took back the prosthetic that he had "gifted" his son. Leaving Saros without the leg and left in the middle of the floor as they all walked away from him.

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