Chapter Twenty-Two

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[Chapter Twenty-Two]

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[Chapter Twenty-Two]

Saros was more than thankful that Angelina did not pursue any topic concerning his leg after knocking hers into the prosthetic. She simply wrote it off as a bad idea to hit him in the first place, even if it was in a playful manner. And while it appeared that he was in good standing with Angelina and he had managed to make contact with Andromeda, Saros was feeling quite unwell. It wasn't emotionally, but physically, he wasn't feeling the best in the mornings and throughout the day. If anything he was feeling quite weak and he couldn't figure out why as he tried to force himself to remain awake and alert through the simplest of tasks.

With a headache that caused him to be sensitive to light and noise, he couldn't focus on anything, leaving him less motivated to leave his bed. However, with it nearing closer to the date of the First Task, Saros knew he couldn't afford to be sick. If the magical contract wasn't going to allow Harry to escape for being underage, he was certain he wasn't going to get out of it with a sick note. Forcing himself up, Saros decided to make his way to the Hospital Wing to see if Madam Pomfrey could figure out what was wrong with him.

And immediately after standing up from the bed, he felt an immense amount of pain shooting down his bad leg. To relieve himself partially of it, he started to massage the area just above the prosthetic as it had normally worked in the past. It didn't do much for him this time around, but it had been enough to allow him to start walking. The long trek from the dungeons to the Hospital Wing was going to be an absolute nightmare. His limp was fairly noticeable making a few other students around him in the corridor watching as he walked along. They all seemed to be wondering what had happened to him to make him walk in such a way, but Saros ignored them as he continued on.

However, before he could make his way any further he was stopped by one of the professors and not just any of them; Professor Moody seemed to be his option for the day. Between feeling weak, sick, and in pain, Saros really wanted to be left alone, rather than confronted by the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.

But since when did things ever go truly his way?

"Nice limp you got going on there, Malfoy, are you feeling alright?" Moody called to him in a gruff tone, leaving Saros to bite down on the inside of his cheek.

He didn't like the fact that Moody had decided to point out his limping, what was he expected with that sort of comment? For them to become amputee buddies and bond over limb loss? And why was he decided to be concerned with his well being currently? Moody had made it quite clear from the beginning that he wasn't a fan of the Malfoy family, juggling his brother painfully in the air after turning him into a ferret.

"I'm fine," Saros said in passing, trying to keep pushing forward and ignoring all the terrible feelings that were mixing together. "Just feeling a bit sick, Professor. I'm on my way to the Hospital Wing. Good day."

He kept his answer brief and cut it off so that Moody didn't go looking for a conversation, but he kept it polite enough not to cause any further conflict either. Continuing along, it seemed that Professor Moody got the hint that Saros didn't want to be bothered, allowing him to make his way to the Hospital Wing in silence. Climbing up all the stairs had taken so much of Saros' energy that he felt like he was going to fall back with each step. But he had managed all on his own and for that, he was quite proud of himself.

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