Chapter Nine

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[Chapter Nine]

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[Chapter Nine]

Saros particularly hated sitting through the Welcoming Feast, especially after such a long train ride. He was feeling rather sore that evening and all he really wanted to do was make his way to the dorms and go to sleep. But it was never as simple as that because shortly after the Sorting Ceremony, Dumbledore would usually initiate the feast, which just took extra time away from Saros greeting his bed. The famous words of "tuck in" graced the ears of the students and suddenly, plates appeared, filling themselves with food while goblets poured themselves with various drinks. Saros didn't really find himself hungry with the food on his plate, aimlessly stirring his spoon around in his soup but not swallowing a bit of it.

Down the way, Draco was still aware that his brother didn't appear to be acting like his usual self. Sure, Saros had always come across as rather quiet but the look on his face, Draco was beginning to wonder if his older brother was sick at the time. It would make sense if Saros had dared to associate himself with the likes of Luna Lovegood, not to mention, it would explain the foul mood he had been as of recent.

Suddenly, the idea of Saros feeling ill came across as a lot better than what Draco was initially thinking. It didn't necessarily make him feel better to know that his brother was sick, but it was definitely something he could tolerate better than the idea of his brother being a blood traitor. But Draco couldn't see past his own thoughts at that point, not wanting to process the idea of his brother becoming tolerable. He would have rather faced the idea of Saros being ill.

But as Saros looked up from his bowl of soup, he had felt eyes on him that left him uneasy. Little Malcolm Baddock had been talking his ear off since Saros welcomed him to sit by him at the table. Every so often, Saros would let out a grunting noise, pretending that he was listening even if his thoughts were somewhere else. He assumed that Malcolm had said something that he didn't catch onto and was now waiting for an answer.

Glancing over though, Malcolm was too preoccupied with the steak and Yorkshire pudding that he was currently trying to shove in his mouth all at once. Saros smirked in amusement at how puffed the boy's cheeks were as he continued to just pack in as much as possible. However, with Malcolm occupied, Saros continued his search to find who was watching him, taking to look over at Draco.

Draco was currently content with talking with Crabbe and Goyle, laughing over something as they were all turning red in the face. It left Saros confused because he still felt like he was being watched, but lo and behold as he looked over in the direction of the other tables, he found the source. Tucked among her friends, Angelina seemed to be looking in his direction and when he looked back at her, she didn't stop right away.

Saros made a face, was she still upset that Luna had kept him company aboard the Hogwarts Express or was she still holding some form of resentment because he had called her out at the World Quidditch Cup? Goodness, if that were the case, she was able to hold a grudge, but at the same time, her expression didn't seem to be upset with him, she was just looking at him. He shifted, feeling rather uncomfortable until Katie and Alicia attempted to gain her attention.

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