Chapter Fifty-Four

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[Chapter Fifty-Four]

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[Chapter Fifty-Four]

For every young witch and wizard of age, the opportunity came where they would be able to take the Apparition test and hopefully, get their license. After multiple classes, Saros had been successful in apparating inside of his hoop, however, he was still unable to get his prosthetic to come with him. Each time, the prosthetic was left behind and when it came to the test, Saros wasn't so sure if he was going to be able to pass if he left one of his legs behind, even if it wasn't flesh. Tonks had claimed that she had failed her first time, mainly because as she went to turn, she actually ended up tripping over her feet and falling. If only his problem was clumsiness, perhaps Saros would have been better off, but his issues were psychological according to others.

No matter how many times he told himself that the prosthetic was a part of him and always would be, it didn't show when he was practising. He could tell himself a million times that magic would never be able to give him back his leg, but it didn't work. And there had always been that competitive drive inside of Saros to get things right the first time. It was more than frustrating to come so very close to succeeding only to fail.

Fred and George had become of age during the beginning of the month, the first of April which seemed so fitting for the two of them. However, as major pranksters, Saros found himself intimidated by the idea of them beating him out in the apparition test. It wasn't to undermine the two, but they never really put any full effort into things unless it was their pranks. If they managed to succeed in getting their apparition license and Saros wasn't, he was going to hate himself.

Angelina and Luna were awfully encouraging on the days leading up to the test, telling Saros that he was going to pass and he would do perfectly fine. But that was easy for Angelina to say, she apparated with ease during the recent classes, and Luna didn't have to worry about such things yet. When Saros asked his family about helping him, Tonks responded wondering if Saros could just hold onto his leg while apparating to make it easier on himself?

However, Andromeda and Ted expressed the idea that even if Saros failed this time around, that he would always have more opportunities to try. Not to mention, if it really was a mental blockage that was preventing his success, then perhaps it would be ideal for him to see a therapist over the summer holidays. The thought of seeing a therapist had never crossed Saros' mind, even after the accident. What were they going to tell him that he didn't already know when it came to the incident?

He knew what had happened, he knew that it was no one's fault that it had happened, but unfortunately, he had lost a lot and nothing brought it back, not even magic. It didn't make things easier on him and it had been years, he just didn't understand what someone was going to tell him that he hadn't heard already over the years.

Leading up to the exam, there were extra classes held in Hogsmeade for those that wanted to get more practice in before the twenty-first of April. Saros attended every single one that he could, but the results didn't change. Each time, he was praised for the execution, but his prosthetic remained in the same place that he had left. That would never help him once he had to apparate a longer distance.

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