Chapter Thirty-Seven

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[Chapter Thirty-Seven]

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[Chapter Thirty-Seven]

For hours during the day, Saros tried to figure out what exactly was going to be taken from him for the Second Task, but no matter what, nothing really came to mind. Every day he would check the items in his room, but still, nothing turned up missing, leaving him even more confused. Would they wait to take something closer to the time of the Second Task or was he just missing it entirely? Angelina advised him not to worry about and just to focus on himself, he had until the near end of February to figure it out. She had expressed to him that she was really worried about him and his mental state within the recent weeks.

If he was being honest, he was pretty worried about it too, after all, his nightmares were becoming progressively worse during the nights. Enough that his dormmates had to interfere by waking him up and on one occasion Saros had nearly clocked one of the boys in the face. His nightmares varied from the lethifold attack to his parents showing up at the castle. The tapestry dream was proving to be the worst of them all because every time his face burned from the tapestry, his face was burned off from his body. It was all becoming a bit much and after confessing it to Madam Pomfrey, she provided him with a sleeping draught to help him sleep at night.

He had gone from having nightmares to having no dreams at all and that left him feeling quite empty when he woke up in the mornings.

"I know what will cheer you up," Angelina said one morning as they were sharing breakfast together. Angelina sat with him at the end of the Slytherin table, encouraging him to finish his meal.

"And what would that be?" Saros questioned her. "Have you figured out a way to convince my parents and my brother that they're wrong?"

Saros watched as a frown appeared on Angelina's face, as it definitely wasn't what she had come up with. He internally kicked himself as he didn't mean to dampen the moment with his negativity.

"I'm sorry," he quickly added, " I didn't mean to say that. It's not fair to you, what were you going to say before?"

Seeing as her confidence had dwindled from his previous question, Angelina could only focus her gaze on her hands, twiddling her thumbs before. "Well, I was just going to say that, um, with Valentine's Day coming up that maybe we could do something. You know, just you and me. I know it falls on a Tuesday this year so that puts Hogsmeade out of the question but I think we could find something to do around here, right? I mean, that's if you want to, I'm not pressuring you or anything-"

"Ms Johnson," Saros poke cutting off her rambling, " are you trying to suggest taking me out on a date?"

Suddenly, her eyes widened and the nerves became even more apparent, leaving the grin on Saros' face to grow with every passing second. She started to stammer becoming flustered, even though he was right, that was her intention, but it was like she was losing control over her calm demeanour and the situation altogether. And while she wouldn't admit it out loud, Angelina knew she was a bit of a control freak.

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