Chapter Four

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[Chapter Four]

There was nothing more exciting to Saros than watching the Quidditch players take to the skies and manoeuvre through the air at such brilliant speeds but at the same time, it was considered bittersweet in his mind. He would love to be one of the players on the brooms, even if it wasn't professional, but all he could think of was his first year Flying Class. He had been so excited, once he was fitted for his prosthetic, the Healers at St Mungo's reassured him that he could do anything just as any other child would. He could run, jump, and play, and in his mind, Saros believed that it also meant flying. He wasn't the only one either, no one seemed to see it as a problem, especially his Flying Class instructor, Madam Hooch until the boy took to the sides.

Saros showed promise to control and a proper mindset to flying, but his problem lied with his balance. Perhaps it was a mental battle but he couldn't help but think he was leaning far too much towards one side and would try to compensate by leaning the other way, but that only led to the boy falling off his broom. At first, his classmates probably thought that he was acting foolish on purpose for a laugh as it earned plenty of giggles, however, each laughter only dragged Saros' confidence levels down. Madam Hooch went to scold the other children, she went to expose the fact that he was different, but Saros stopped her.

He didn't want special treatment, he didn't want people to look at him with pity, he received enough of that while he was home.  Hogwarts was his chance for him to start fresh since only a few selected students knew about the incident and it was pretty much sworn to secrecy as it was a sensitive subject to discuss. So Saros played it off that he was just poor at flying as much as it pained him and he left it at that. Madam Hooch allowed him to pass and he was sure she really didn't have any other choice but to do so, she couldn't really hold it against him. The boy was left to watch as other students from different houses, including his own succeeded and mastered the art of flying, while he just sat on the ground most of the time.

Then it came time for Draco as he became old enough to play for the Slytherin Quidditch Team, he proved himself to be an excellent flyer. Of course, the boy had his own confidence issues, which he made up for by having their father buy the entire Quidditch team new brooms to make sure he had his place on the team. But Saros had told him many times before that time that Draco didn't need to do such things. He had proved himself to be a decent Quidditch player, but it was very hard for a student to feel special, especially when they were in the same year as Harry Potter.

The Malfoy household never heard the end of it when it came to "Saint Potter" or "Perfect Potter" and his band of friends. Draco could complain for hours and while Saros wanted to be supported, he had his own teenage problems to deal with without the help of his little brother. Although it was a running joke with Saros as he often made jokes that Draco liked saying the surname that he would carry one day as his own.

"That's not funny!" Narcissa would scold him. "Don't let your father hear such things, you would give him a heart attack." 

Saros never dared to make such jokes near his father, mainly because Lucius despised Harry Potter as much as he did the Weasley family, which was plenty. When it came to Saros, he didn't like Harry or his friends because of their affiliation but he didn't even interact with them as they were in the younger school years. Yet, aside from Draco's complaints, Saros had heard about Harry Potter from their father as Lucius went on to describe that it was the boy's fault that the Dark Lord had been defeated before accomplishing what he set out to do.

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