Chapter 2- Late Night Convo

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AYOOO Good morning/evening/ night whats popping?
I'm back. So into the story.
Zachyy💙: Gn❤

Back to the sleepover.

"Truth or dare?" Alex asked me as it was the last truth or dare of the night.
"Fine. Do you like Zach?" Alex asked.
"Yeah, of course, y'all know this. I love Zachary Dean Herron with all my heart." I said.
"No I mean the Zach you started talking to recently" she added.
"What! I only talk to him today and don't even know him." I said but I blushed a little, hoping that they didn't realize.

We fangirled a little then went to bed.

All the girls were sleeping except for me and as I was now drifting to sleep my phone beeped and I decided why not just check it.

Zachyy💙: Hey Tiffy, are you up?

Tiffyy❤: Caught me just in time Zach, was just about to go sleep.

Zachyy💙: Oh shoot, I'm sorry Tiff, I'll leave you to go sleep.

Tiffyy❤: No, it's fine. I rather talk to you anyway but please don't call me Tiff, it brings back memories of something that I don't wanna remember.

Zachyy💙: aww😶 oh ok
Zachyy💙: Wanna play 21 questions?

Tiffyy❤: Yeah sure.

Zachyy💙: okay, when is your birthday?

Tiffyy❤: July 11th and you?

Zachyy💙: mine is May 27th

Tiffyy❤: That's ironic. My celebrity crush birthday is that same day.

Zachyy💙: Really? Who is your celebrity crush?

Tiffyy❤: Ironically his name is also Zach but his full name is actually Zachary Dean Herron.

Zachyy💙: Cool
Zachyy💙: Where are you from?

Tiffyy❤: I'm from Trinidad

Zachyy💙: I have no idea where that is but I'm from Texas.

Tiffyy❤: Cool
Tiffyy❤: What's your favorite color?

Zachyy💙: Blue.
Zachyy💙: yours?

Tiffyy❤: Purple.

Zachyy💙: If you could meet anyone in the world. Who would you want to meet?

Tiffyy❤: Logan Paul, Dolan Twins, Olivia Rodrigo and Why Don't We.
Tiffyy❤: you probably don't know who that is though😂.

Zachyy💙: I do actually. I love those people too.

Tiffyy❤: lol😂
Tiffyy❤: How about you?

Zachyy💙: You.

Tiffyy❤: that's so sweet. I WANNA MEET YOU TOOO.


Tiffyy❤: Anyway, If you could live or visit anywhere in the world where would you go.

Zachyy💙: umm........I don't know.....I guess Hawaii.
Zachyy💙: Where would you go?

Tiffyy❤: Los Angeles

Zachyy💙: Really? Why you wanna go there?

Tiffyy❤: Don't worry about it. It's dumb.

Zachyy💙: I don't care. I still wanna know cause I don't believe it's dumb.

Tiffyy❤: Fine. Since I was small I loved music and singing and I guess. I am so hopeful I keep wishing I could be famous like for real and earn it. Not just get fame for getting it sake. Like I wanna be famous cause of me. Not like some people who use celebs to get famous.

Zachyy💙: Wow, that was deep.

Tiffyy❤: Yeah.
Tiffyy❤: I really have to go to bed now.

Zachyy💙: ok no problem but you are singing something for me tomorrow

Tiffyy❤: I never agreed to that.

Zachyy💙: I know.
Zachyy💙: Goodnight Princess😘

Tiffy❤: Night Zachyy


Zach POV.

"Omg!!" Corbyn yelled and I turned around as the rest of the boys come rushing in screaming things like 'what!' 'What happened!' 'What's wrong!'

"Zach is blushing at his phone!" Corbyn told them along with the entire neighborhood because of loudly he screamed. "Oh my god! No! My cheeks are naturally red! You know this!" I said trying to convince them but it obviously didn't work because they start watching me with a 'really? You wanted us to believe that' face.

"Fine. I messaged the wrong number and the girl the number belong too and I started talking and I think she's really cool." I said kind of fast.

"Oh my god, Zach has a crush." Daniel said. "I don't even know what she looks like how can I like her" I said trying to get them of my case. "Whatever you say Zach." Jack said before all of them walked out of the room.

👀whats going to happen next?
See you next time❤

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