Chapter 58- Wedding

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-

Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.


I am doing this thing where I am going to ask a why don't we related question and you comment the answer and I will say the correct answer in the next chapter.

Answer to the last question

What was the first song released from the 8 letters album?


No more questions since the book is almost finished.


Previously on The Best Mistake.

I looked out the window the entire ride and lot lost in my thoughts. I know that I would be with my family and I would be getting to know them but I am really going to miss the boys and I have a constant fear of being abandoned again. I mean, a lot can happen in a couple months.



Tiffany's P.O.V.

I have been in Minnesota for the past two months with my new family. We have been getting to know each other and I have grown really close to them, it feels like I have known them my entire life. I was especially close to Esther. We hung out a lot and we have become almost as close as Jonah and I, which is insane especially considering it all happened in two months.

Alex called me yesterday and told me that the wedding is coming up. They planned to do it when the boys get back from tour which is about now. They are going back to L.A. today. Alex called me mainly to ask me to be her bridesmaid which I gladly accepted. She asked, Christina, me, Kareena and Faith. So Christina is going to L.A. today too.

After I accepted, she started to explain the plan for wedding. She said that I will fly out to L.A. in two days since Kareena and Faith is basically already there and Christina is almost there and we will help her with last minute preparations. The plan was to do our hair and nails and all those stuff together a few days before the wedding. Then we will have bachelor and bachelorette parties the night before. After the wedding, the girls will go on a vacation back to Trinidad to drop back Alex's parents who are flying out soon too and the boys will stay in L.A. Then when we get back to L.A., Jack and Alex are going on their honeymoon.

I got off the phone with Alex and went to start packing clothes both for the wedding and for vacation since we are leaving from L.A. and heading straight to Trinidad. I packed all my fancy outfits for the wedding parties and the clubbing. I also packed all my presentable, comfortable clothes for vacation along with my bath suit.

By the time I finished packing, it was really late at night. I took a shower and quietly went downstairs for a late night snack but I opened the fridge and it turns out that I am the only snack in the house. Nah, I'm kidding but it actually didn't have anything, so I just took a water and headed back upstairs. When I was heading back, I saw Esther's light on so I walked over to her room and went in but I ran and jump towards her bed an well missed. I hit my stomach, chest and hand really hard. I almost threw up. Well, I guess that is what I get for being an annoying idiot. Esther came running over and asked me if I was okay and I tried to play it off that I was but it's kind of obvious that I wasn't. I hit myself so hard that a few seconds after Esther asked me if I was okay, mom came running in said, "I heard a bang, are you guys okay?" 

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now