Chapter 48- Daniel's Date

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-

Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.


I am doing this thing where I am going to ask a why don't we related question and you comment the answer and I will say the correct answer in the next chapter.

Answer to the last question

Who is Jack Avery's celebrity crush?

Selena Gomez

Next question

Who is Jonah's celebrity crush?

Comment your answer.


Previously on The Best Mistake

The man took a nervous deep breath and said, "Well, we were suppose to put the body in the morgue today but when we went in the room to get the body, it wasn't there."


"Excuse me?" I asked rhetorically. There is no way this could be happening. It is already so hard losing someone close to us and now they wanna say what? that the body has been stolen?

"So you mean like the body was stolen?" Kareena asked reading my mind but right after she asked that question, Daniel just placed his hand over face and pressed on his eyes as he walked away. I can tell he was stress so I followed him, leaving the rest of friends to deal with the man at the door.

"Dani! Dani! Wait up!" I yelled while running after him. I ran after him all the way to his room.

"Dani, talk to me." I said after he stopped. "I can't cause I can't deal with this right now." He started and seeing him like this broke my heart. I was about to respond but I was cut off by the Hayley girl coming out from Daniel's bathroom.

"Hi, hope you don't mind, I found spare toothbrushes in the cupboard." She said while smiling as Daniel smiled back. He looked genuinely happy but something about his smile was different when he was with Faith. I can tell that no one is going to make him smile like that for a while.

"Look just go downstairs. I'll be fine on my own." He said and even though I knew that he was not okay, I left because I also know that he needs time.

I went downstairs and saw everyone sitting in the living room with the man from the hospital gone. "What happened with the man from the hospital?" I asked and Jonah stood up and said, "He said the body was stolen because the same time the body disappeared, they lost electricity which can't be a coincidence."

"it can be a coincidence, Jo, what if she is actually alive." I said to Jonah since i am comfortable talking to him.

Jonah placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "Tiffy, I know you miss her but she is gone and you need to accept it." I pulled my head out my fantasy and went back to real life. I sat down in the living room with them.

While I was on the couch, I saw Hayley leave but when she closed the door I remembered that Jack came back really upset this morning so I went to find him.

I walked around the entire house looking for him until I finally found him sitting outside the house against a wall with his head in his hands.

"Jack? You never got a chance to tell me what happened." I stated as I sat down next to him.

"I messed up. I don't think Alex is into me so I spent the night with Gabbie and I feel so guilty for doing it." He admitted to me and I understood except for one thing.

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now