Chapter 12- Album!

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-
Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.
Previously on The Best Mistake

😂well I should go sleep goodnight Zachyy😙

Goodnight Tiff.❤😘


Tiffany POV

So it's one week til the concert now and I can't wait. We leave in 5 days so I started to pack. I don't know if I mentioned but we are going to the L.A. show which by the way is one of my biggest dreams to visit L.A. so I'm so excited.

I packed half of my clothes then I got distracted by my phone buzzing.

Surprise Surprise it was the groupchat. (Note the sarcasm)


Queen😻: So how was the pc while we wasn't here?

Kk👑: it was good I'm sure

Noodles🍝: we all know it was more than just good

Alex👽: OooOoooOOooOO

Tiffyy❤: You all are crazy, just change the topic.

Big bro☕: k, have you ever wondered if ironing boards are surf board who gave up on their dreams and got a real job.

Faity😈: How high are you?!?!

Big bro☕: 6'1"

Zachyy💙: 😂😂

Tiffyy❤: Zachary!!!!!!!!

Zachyy💙: Tiff!!!!!!!!!!!

Bean😹: yay reunion

Dani🎵: where is the cake?

Noodles🍝: weren't you in charge of that?

Dani🎵: well in that case............oops.


Dani🎵: Dude,

Zachyy💙: that is the biggest broccoli i have ever seen!

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Zachyy💙: that is the biggest broccoli i have ever seen!

Tiffyy❤: *face palm*

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now