Chapter 19-Confession

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-
Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.

Previously on The Best Mistake

"Fine," Zach started, "I guess this is the end of Why Don't We." He stuttered out.


Zach's POV

Jonah is yelling at me and as much as I tried to listen to what he was saying, a lot of things was running through my head but one thing stood out. How come it was Bob that pulled me away to meet Kay but left right before Tiffany saw us and he had only set us up with these girls because he found out about the group chat and our crushes on the girls.

What if Bob wanted this to happen?

Well, I guess I will have to play him at his own game.

"Guys, we can't do shows if you guys are going to be fighting." Daniel said.
"Well that's great, cause I don't think that I can't look him in his eyes ever again." Jonah said turning away from from me.

"Fine," I started, "I guess this is the end of Why Don't We." I stuttered out. I am a pretty great actor if I must say so myself.

My theory is simple. Bob wanted to break us and the girls up so that we will be together with the girls he wanted us to be with. And he wants us to be with those girls so the band can have more publicity but how can the band get publicity if there is no more band.

Everyone gasp and looked at me with their jaws basically on the floor. Well, everyone except Jonah.

"Zach, do you hear what you are saying?" Daniel asked me. "Yes, and I don't wanna be in a band with  someone like him." I replied rolling my eyes in Jonah's direction.

Bob rushed up to me. "Zach, you can't do this. Your career, my career and your band mates careers, they will all be ruined." Bob tried to reason with me.

"No! Jonah is blaming me for something that isn't my fault." I almost yelled.

"It is your fault!" Jonah shouted.

"Fine. Jonah, it wasn't Zach." Bob admitted. Yes! My plan is working.

"And how would you know?" Corbyn asked winking at me. He obviously caught on to what I was doing.

"Yeah, how would you know?" Daniel and Jack backed him up.

"Well... it's a long story but the most important thing is that Zach isn't at fault." Bob said.

But while Bob was talking Jack discreetly whispered in Jonah's ear. I assume he told him to play along.

"Actually, I would love to know how you know." Jonah replied in a sassy tone.

"Fine, I told Kay to kiss Zach and to make sure someone saw." Bob confessed.

"You're fired." Jonah said.

"You can't do that, who could you possibly get to manage you in such short notice." Bob argued.

He kind of has a point. Who would manage us? If we fire him...

Now even I am second guessing.

"I'll be their new manager."


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I hope you enjoyed or enjoying my crap.

562 words

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