Chapter 7- The surprise

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Ayeeee ohhhhhh.....good morning/night/evening...what's popping. Almost at 100 reads👏😢. *dramatically wipes tear*
*dramatically makes speech*
I would like to thank my mom and dad and of course God. I will like to thank all me loyal viewers and all my friends who encourage me.
*dramatically ends speech by dramatically wiping another tear*
Anyway, enough of my weirdness

Back to the story.

Private chat with Big Bro☕

Tiffyy❤: What's up big bro

Big Bro☕: I'm thinking, what if you fly to one of the shows and surprise the rest of the boys.

Tiffyy❤: Jo as much as I want to. I wasn't lying on the group. I don't have tickets to the show nor do I have plane tickets

Big Bro☕: Tickets are still on sale.

Tiffyy❤: Jo, I don't think you understand, as much as I want to come I can't cause its way to expensive for my family to afford.

Big Bro☕: I think you don't understand. When I said you fly to a show and surprise the rest of the boys. I meant all you have to do is get permission and hop on a plane. I will pay for everything.


Big Bro☕: Yip, talk to your mom and dad. Text me tonight and tell me. Also tell me how much people in your family and including kk, Alex and faity

Tiffyy❤: 7 including me, kk, Alex and faity

Big Bro☕: Tonight then✌ let's go back to chat before they get suspicious.

Tiffyy❤: BYeeeeeee

Meanwhile in the Group Chat

Faity😈: what was that about?

Alex👽: IDK ( I don't know)

Kk👑: Hey Zach, while Tiffy is gone can I ask you something?

Zachyy💙: sure

Kk👑: do you like Tiffany?

Bean😹: yes he does.

Dani🎵: yes he does

Noodles🍝: He is literally blushing rn

Zachyy💙: I am not. Anyways, Yes I do

Bean😹: see

Zachyy💙: you didn't let me finish

Zachyy💙: I love you guys because you're my best friends. Same with Tiff, we are just friends.

Dani🎵: sure (note my sarcasm)

Noodles🍝: whatever makes you sleep at night.

Zachyy💙: fine, I like her okay? Happy now?

Kk👑: very, cause she was reading the chat all the time.

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