Chapter 60- The Worst Mistake

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-

Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.

Well guys it's about that time. We have reached the point where it is time to say goodbye. 

This is the last chapter of the best mistake. 

It has been a long journey. If you told me when I started this book that I would pass 1k or evn 10k I would have called you crazy but as my idols would say, "if anyone out there is scared of following their dreams or those of you that didn't do it, I think us five can preach that you CAN do it. One, because of each and every one of you guys  but two, because we followed our dreams, we worked hard and we chased a passion and whatever your passion may be, FOLLOW IT, PURSUE IT." 

I am now one of those people who can preach that you CAN do it. I never thought that i would be able to write an entire book much less for all the views.

Anyway, enough of my ted talk

I hope you guys enjoy the last chapter.


Previously on The Best Mistake.

"I was ignoring you." I screamed out drawing his attention to me. "I was avoiding you because I didn't know how to tell you. I have cancer Zach"


Zach's P.O.V.

"What?" I asked doubting that I heard what I did but she said it again, "I have cancer." I felt myself getting lightheaded and I stepped back. "Come inside." She said before holding my arm and guiding me in. We walked into the only bedroom that she had in the hotel and she sat me down. "I will get you a glass of water." She said before leaving to go to the kitchen. I calmed myself down a little and called Jonah. 

"Jonah, you need to come here right now," I said as my voice was cracking from holding back the tears. "What? Why?" He said and I am sure he had me on speaker because all the boys were really curious about what would happen when I got here. 

"Well, remember when I was leaving and you all said that you were coming with me because you wanted to be there for me if the plan went sideways?" I asked and he replied, "Yeah?" waiting for more information. "Well everything just went sideways but not in the way you think, Tiffany has cancer." I said but instead of replying he just hung up so I am guessing he is coming.

"What did you just do?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I think I just made her hate me more. "He's your brother, he needs to know." I said knowing that she heard most of the conversation. 

"I was going tell him myself!" She yelled.

Tiffany's P.O.V.

I can't believe Zach did that. I didn't even want him to know yet much less for Jonah. 

"I'm sorry Tiff." He said but I really wasn't feeling to here his fake pity. He obviously wasn't sorry. "Save it okay Zach, you kissed another girl because you thought I was avoiding you. again I emphasis on thought. I have no time for your bull shit anymore." I yelled as I burst into flames but before he could even react, I heard the hotel door open. Guess Zach made sure it was open while he was coming in. 

I turned around and I saw Jonah walked straight toward me with no emotion on his face. "Jonah I can explain why I didn't tell you sooner." I said but he wasn't stopping. I was scared because I don't know how he would react. He walked straight up to me and stopped when we were face to face.

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now