Chapter 43- Escape

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-

Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.


I am doing this thing where I am going to ask a why don't we related question and you comment the answer and I will say the correct answer in the next chapter.

Answer to the last question

Where is Jack's hometown?

Burbank, California/ Susquehanna, Pennsylvania (He moved before he was 1)

Next question

Where is Daniel's hometown?

Comment your answer.


Previously on The Best Mistake

We all turned around and when I saw who was standing in front of us, I felt my blood boil and when I looked at the boys, I saw it affected them similarly. Corbyn took a deep breath and took a step forward then said, "I should have known. Of course it's you."


Disclaimer: This chapter may be weird and really extra but I didn't want it to be plain so I thought why not.

"I should have thought of this, of course it's you, who else would have wanted to cause us misery other than our past manager who we fired." Corbyn said to Bob.

"I never meant to cause you misery, all I ever wanted to make sure you succeed in life." Bob said and I rolled my eyes. While Bob was talking to Corbyn, I saw Jack sneak over near Alex and started to untie her. I nudged Zach to show him that Jack is untying Alex then I whispered to him, "Distract Bob."

Zach walked forward next to Corbyn and said, "Don't pretend like you ever cared about us. All you cared about was how famous we get so you could make more money."

Some time later, the boys caught on to what was happening, Jonah turned around and realized that Jack finished untying Alex so he walked up in front of Corbyn and Zach but he put his hand in his back pocket and pulled out  a small silver sphere. He kept his hand behind his back and said, "If you really cared about us, you would have let us be happy, but I guess you can't fix your mistakes now cause your time has run out." He said while emphasizing on 'run'

Before I could properly process what was happening, he threw the sphere to the ground and almost immediately part of the huge room became filled with purple smoke. I felt a hand grab me by my wrist and pulled me through the smoke. We found our way through the smoke and began running up the stairs and out of the basement. While running up the stairs, Zach was leading (odd, I know) followed by Jack and Alex then Corbyn and I and Jonah and Daniel behind. I glanced behind my shoulder and saw Bob catching up to Daniel.

"Daniel, watch out!" I yelled and Daniel pulled out apple juice from his pocket and sprayed it in Bob's eyes.

(A/N: Men jeans has the biggest pockets ever.)

When we got back to the ground floor, everyone was sprinting trying to get out of the building. Zach ran out but before we could get to the door, someone slammed it shut and a lot of people came out and surrounded us.

"Didn't think that I would let you go that easy did you?" Bob asked. I couldn't help myself but to ask, "If you said you care for the boys then why did you kidnap Alex knowing that Jack cares for her."

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now