Chapter 33- Saying Good-bye

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-
Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.


I am doing this thing where I am going to ask a why don't we related question and you comment the answer and I will say the correct answer in the next chapter.

Answer to the last question

When was the band formed?

September 27, 2016

Next question

When is Jonah's birthday?

Comment your answer.


Previously on The Best Mistake

"Mom! Mom! Wake up! Please." I scream hopelessly.


Tiffany's POV

My dad come down the stairs running and when he saw mom on the floor, he ran up to her, picked her up and ran into the car.

I jumped in the back seat with mom's head on my lap and dad driving.

Soon enough we reached the hospital and mom was rushed in.

"What happened?" The doctor asked.

"I don't know, we were talking and she just collapsed." I said with a shaky voice cause by now I'm in tears.

I watch my mom get carried away and then I broke down.

A few hours later.

We had been sitting in the waiting room for hours. Zach called me and I told him what was happening so he came over to the hospital alone.

I am sitting in the waiting room with my head resting on Zach's shoulder and our hands tightly together while me dad went to get some for us.

Soon the doctor came into the waiting room and Zach and I stood up and walked closer to him

"Apparently your mom had a heart attack, the reason is unknown since most times heart attacks are caused by a personal reason. The heart attack look like it was being generated since yesterday, do you know anything she might have done recently to trigger this?" The doctor explained and asked me.

I took a deep breath knowing that I could be the reason behind all this. What if she was stressing out about me being in the coma.

"Umm....I recently got out of a coma." I blurted out to the doctor.

"I don't think that that would be the reason for the heart attack." He told me.

My dad walked in right after the doctor said that.

"Great you are all here. I'm sorry to break this news to you but your mom doesn't have much time. She is awake right now. I suggest you say your goodbyes."

What!?!? My mom is dying. This can't be happening.

All kinds of thoughts were running through my head.

I felt someone's hand rest on my shoulder which scared me at first since I was lost in deep thought. I looked up and I saw Zach.

I turned around and hugged him without saying a thing. He wrapped his arms around me and I broke down in his arms.

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now