Chapter 10- Awkward

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-
Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.
Previously on The Best Mistake

"I got to go guys. I 'm sorry." Christina said. "It's fine. " I said. "But before I go, there is one more gift. But it's for all of you." She said handing me a package.

I opened it and saw.................


the plane tickets and concert tickets that Jonah promised us. We squealed firstly, like any other fangirl. "Thanks so much, Christina for bringing this here and Thank you so much for coming and visit me for my birthday," I said while hugging her before she left.

Later that night, everyone left and it was just me and my family. I went to my bedroom and I lay down and stared at the ceiling remembering all the events that happened today. I smiled at the memories before I was rudely disturbed by my phone beeping. I groaned and grabbed my phone to see that it was the group chat.


Dani🎵: Hey, how did everything go today? Was she surprised?

Alex👽: Yes it was very funny.

Noodles🍝: 😂😂

Kk👑: I got her reaction on video. Wanna see it?

Big Bro☕: Hell yes

Tiffyy❤: You videotaped me! 😣

Kk👑: Yes.

Bean😹: 😂😂

Zachyy💙: awwwwww

Tiffyy❤: ok if we are done with that thank you guys for the gifts. I loved them.

Faith😈: Yeah, especially Zach😉

Dani🎵: I didn't know Zach got you a gift. He didn't show us.

Queen😻: Trust me it was more than just a gift.

Noodles🍝: OooOOOoOoO

Big bro☕: Wait what do you mean?

Alex👽: He wrote her a love letter.

Kk👑: and got her a promise ring.


Queen😻: wanna see something cute of Tiffy?

Zachyy💙: sure

Tiffyy❤: Noooo!!!!

Queen😻: Okay here it is.
*send the video of me reading Zach's letter and opening his gift*

Zachyy💙: 😶

Bean😹: Awww

Dani🎵: ship.

Tiffyy❤: Whatever *rolls eyes*

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now