Chapter 17- Zay

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-
Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.

Previously on The Best Mistake

I walked in and immediately regretted. My crush for years, the boy I thought liked me and the boy who gave a promise ring was kissing  another girl...

My stomach turned and I felt like throwing up and as much as a wanted to move away my feet felt as if they were glued the floor as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

I pulled the "promise" ring Zach gave me off my finger and threw it aiming for his head. I didn't even look to see where it fell, I just ran. I ran until I reached the meet and greet area and by that time I was full on crying. I saw everyone talking so I ran off hoping that no one saw me.

Jonah's POV

I was talking to some fans and I saw Tiffy ran in the meet and greet area. She look like she was crying. Why was she crying? I saw her run off. I told the fans to excuse me as I ran after her. 

Zach's POV

After the concert, I felt so happy. I was so excited for the meet and greet. It is always the best.

I was walking over to the meet and greet but then Bob, our manager, pulled me aside. I followed him until we arrived to the place where we rehearse.

This girl walked in and Bob said," Zach, this is Kay. She is the girl I said will be your girlfriend."

"But Bob why is she here right now. The meet and greet has already started and I need to be there." I argued.

"It can wait a while. Get to know Kay a little." Bob said before walking off. 

"Hey, I'm Kay" the girl said. "It's nice to meet you and all but.." Before I could finish my sentence Corbyn walked in.

"What is 'that' doing here?" he asked pointing at Kay. "I don't know, Bob just pulled me here to talk to her." I replied. 

Corbyn rolled his eyes before saying, "Just get out there, people are asking for you and Jonah brought you a surprise." And then he walked out. I heard him mumble something after he walked out the door but I didn't hear. Kay, on the other hand looked like she heard. Before I could ask her what he said, She forced herself on my and kissed me.

What the heck??!??!? Ew why did she kiss me??!?!? Before I had a chance to push her off, something hit her head and she pulled away shouting 'ow' 

I looked on the floor and saw a ring. I picked it up and it looked just like the one I gave to Tiffany. 
Is Tiffany here?!?!? Did she see the kiss!?!?! 

I ran out and into the meet and greet area and I saw Kareena, Alex and Faith so Tiffany is here. Great, I finally get to meet her in person and  screw it up. 

Tiffany's POV

I finally stopped running when I reached outside. I sat leaning against a wall and let everything come out. "Tiffy!, Tiffany!" I heard someone yelling. Oh great someone saw me.(Note the sarcasm) 

I saw Jonah running towards me so I stood up and tried to hold in my tears but I couldn't . I ran into his arms for comfort. He hugged me back and ask me what was wrong. I replied sniffling, "Zach, I thought he liked me. I don't know why I am so stupid. He is a celebrity. Why did I ever think that we could be together." 

"Wait what?!? What happened?!?!" He asked confused. "He was kissing another girl." I blurt out. 

"What!" Jonah said obviously mad. "How about I take you back to the hotel?" he asked and I nodded.

Jonah took me back to the hotel and I went straight to the room and threw myself on my bed.

Jonah's POV

I dropped Tiffy back to her hotel and went back to the meet and greet. After this meet and greet, I am going to hurt Zach so bad.


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I hope you enjoyed or enjoying my crap.

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See you next chapter

You're beautiful. You're one of a kind. SMILE MORE.



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