Chapter 37- Moments

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-
Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.


I am doing this thing where I am going to ask a why don't we related question and you comment the answer and I will say the correct answer in the next chapter.

Answer to the last question

When is Jack's birthday?

July 1st

Next question

When is Zach's birthday?

Comment your answer.


Previously on The Best Mistake

Can he really wanna kiss me right now? My first actual kiss. What are the chance of him kissing me right now? But then again, what was the chances of rain, maybe chances can work out for the good more than for the bad.


Of course my eyes strayed from his eyes to his lips. I mean with the kind of lips I'm seeing, I won't mind being kissing.

He started leaning in and I leaned in to and for a second, it was just me and him, I couldn't even hear the rain anymore. My entire mind was focused on him, on this moment, the moment which could build or break me.

I don't know how this will affect my current life, if it will be good or bad but then our lips connected and at that moment I knew that I didn't care about what everyone else was going to think or how my life was going to change, it just felt so right.

Who knew your first kiss could feel like it was the end of your world.

Our lips slowly moved away from each other and our eyes opened and made immediate contact.

"Wow. That was just woah." I said after pulled away fully.

"I know right." He replied and we laughed and entangled our hands into one another.

A little while later the uber pulled up and we got in.

The entire drive our hands stayed connected.

A while later

We got back to the hotel and we knocked on the room they boys and I were staying in. Their room was more like an apartment. There was a kitchen and a living room as far as I could see from the door. Since I am now officially Jonah's sister and I am leaving with him in a couple days, i am staying in the hotel room with the boys.

When we knocked Jack came and opened the door.

"Well you guys look like you had fun." He said while laughing at the fact that we were soaking wet.

"Ha ha, very funny." Zach said before he walked in with me tagging along since we were still holding hands without even realizing.

All the boys were laying around the room but when we walked in, suddenly all eyes were on us.

"Looks like you guys had more than fun." Corbyn said while looking at our hands.

As soon as we realized, we pulled our hands away from each other and Corbyn and the rest of boys except Jonah started smiling weirdly.

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now