Chapter 30- Finally Out

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-
Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.

Previously on The Best Mistake

He took a breath before saying,"If Tiffany doesn't wake up out of her coma in about 8 to 9 hours, she will suffer major brain damage, including memory loss."

Zach's P.O.V.

"We need to wake her up then." I stated.

"It isn't that simple, forcing someone out of a coma and lead to damage far worse than brain damage." The doctor explained to me.

What are we supposed to do now? I have no idea how to help Tiffany, Harvey is here pushing himself into our lives and I can't do anything for anyone. I feel so helpless.

"Is there anything I could do?" I asked the doctor.

"I am afraid not. All you can do is wait and hope she wakes up." He said before leaving.

I sat at Tiffany's bed side and time passed without me even noticing.

7 hours later

I am still sitting at Tiffany's bed side and the only thing that changed was that our anxieties went up and the noise level went down.

We are all scared to death, I can't imagine what would happen if Tiffany lost her memory and I don't want to.

I sat there with my head down. I felt like I was about to have an anxiety attack. Jonah realized and he walked up to me. He put his hand on my back and said, "Do something to calm you down." It was just me and the boys in the room so I felt comfortable.

I did the only thing I knew for sure that relaxes me. I sang. I sang one of Tiffany's favorite songs.

"High dive into frozen waves
Where the past comes back to life
Fight fear for the selfish pain
And it's worth it every time
Hold still right before we crash
'Cause we both know how this ends
Our clock ticks till it breaks your glass
And I drown in you again", I started but when I reached that part I started to tear up cause I realized the this song describes exactly how I feel with Tiffany so that means that I do like her but I am about to lose her.

When Jonah realized that I was tearing up, he continued the song. "Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need."

And soon enough Daniel, Corbyn and Jack joined, "Chasing relentlessly
Still fight and I don't know why."

I gave a really small smile before joining them," If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity."

I look over at Tiffany and I see her eyes flutter a little and then her eyes opened.

She smiled at me before saying, "That's our song."

(A/n: guys this actually happened to a lot of people in real life.)

"Omg Tiff. We thought we would have lost you." I said.

"You could never lose me that easy." She said smiling.

The doctors came running in and there told us that need to run some more tests so the nurses got us out of the room.

Everyone was so happy and smiley. We called Alex who went home with her parents to rest and told her that Tiffany woke up from her coma.

A few minutes past and soon we able to go back in to see her.

Tiffany's P.O.V.

Everyone started to come back into my room but my eyes fell of one face.

"What is he doing here?" I said looking directly into Harvey's eyes.

"Look, I know you don't wanna see me but I heard you got hurt and I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He tried to explain himself.

"Well I am fine, it's not like you would actually care though." I said but for some weird reason, it hurt me a little to say because of our history.

Lucky, the doctor came in and broke the awkwardness.

"Good news, all her tests came out good so she will be able to go home by this evening but for now we need to run a few more tests just to verify every thing is good." He told us.

Everyone was sent out the room and they continued to run tests on me.

I watched outside and I can see how Harvey and Zach are just annoyed and they keep glaring at each other.


A few hours passed and it was almost time for me to leave this disgusting and uncomfortable bed.

"Okay so your parents just need to sign this and drop it at the front desk and you will be free to go." The doctor said while handing some papers to my parents.

My dad was signing the papers and then my mom walked a little closer to me.

"Yesterday, after I met your friends I remember that I have to go handle something today, so can you please get a drop from one of your friends?" She asked me and I nodded.

The room was quiet so I am sure every one heard what she said.

"I'll give you a ride home, the guys and I have a rental car." Zach said.

"No!" Harvey objected. "I'm sorry but," he started but paused. He moved closer to me and kind of whispered into my ear," I don't trust him."

"Hey shit face, you know we can still here you right." Zach said calling out to Harvey.

"Maybe it was meant for you to hear." Harvey responded.

I have a feeling that this might not end well and worse get my parents were still here.

"I'll give you a ride home, I have a my dad's car out front." Harvey said turning back to me.

O great. I have to choose between the boy who I love but who kissed another girl or my ex, who could be a psycho and we left things of in a bad place.

"Hey sweetheart, I think you should go with Harvey. I known him longer." My dad said before leaving with my mom.

"Go with Harvey." Zach said as he bent his head down. "But," he raised back his head, "I'm tagging along with you guys, my hotel is a on  same street." He said.

Well this shouldn't be awkward at all.

We walked down to Harvey's car and I got in the front with him and Zach got in the back.

This ride should be...interesting.

Let's see how it goes.


Hey guys...... hope you are enjoying the story. Don't forget to vote, comment and SHARE.

Go read 'the runaway' by shae2315 it is freaking amazing.


And I was at number 2 in the hashtag #zachherron and I am still very grateful so thank you guys.

I hope you enjoyed or are enjoying my crap.

1187 words

See you next chapter

You're beautiful. You're one of a kind. SMILE MORE.



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