Chapter 28- Battle Scars

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-
Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.

Previously on The Best Mistake

Then I heard someone enter the room. I raised up my head and I saw the doctor.

"I have some news about Tiffany and Alexandra."

Zach's P.O.V.

"Yes, what is it?" Jonah asked.

"Well Alex will be fine she went unconscious when the car came in contact with theirs. She has a little cuts and bruises from the glass but she will be just fine. She may regain consciousness soon." The doctor told us.

"And Tiffany?" I asked.

"Well the car hit her directly so she got banged up pretty bad. She has a fracture in her rib and a broken hand but she is in a coma." He explained.

"What?!?!!!?" I shouted.

"I am sorry but there is no telling when or even if she will come out of the coma." He said.

I looked over at Tiffany and saw her lying there on a hospital bed motionless and I can't help but think about all the things I never told her.

"I need some air." I said before walking out of the hospital.

I walked outside and I through myself against a tree and buried my face in my hands.

"You know it's not your fault right?" I heard a voice say. I raised my head and say Jonah.

"It is. If I had just let her said what she wanted to tell me instead of cutting her off then the rumor would have never happened." I rambled out.

"You could have never predicted that any of this would happen so stop carrying a burden that doesn't need to be carried." He explained to me being the wise 'dad' figure he is.

I nodded. "Let's go back inside." He told me and I got up and walked behind him.

When we got back to the room everyone was just waiting for some news or for one if them to regain consciousness.

I looked over to Jack who was holding Alex's hand with his head on the side of the bed and I saw Alex's hand move and obviously Jack felt it cause he raised up his head and looked at her. A few seconds after her eyes opened as she gasped for air through her mouth.

"What happened? Where am I?" Alex asked.

"You were in an accident and you're in the hospital." Jack said as he popped up. Joy spread across his face which you could clearly see. I got so happy for him but then I looked back at Tiffany and realized that she still isn't sure to wake up.

"Hey, let's take a walk." Corbyn told me.

I nodded and followed him out of the room. We didn't walk far but we walked and we talked. I am so glad that I have these guys as friends. Friends who look out for me and who I can talk too. They are my family and I am so grateful for them.

"I know how you are feeling you know. If that was Christina in that bed; I would have been going nuts." Corbyn said.

"Yeah but that's just the thing, we barely know each other, we barely spent time together and we are not dating so why I am so emotionally attached to her?" I question.

"Hey, not all relationships need time to be made, there are still things like love at first sight." Corbyn told me.

"Wise words." I say while nodding.

"Well I mean I can't let Jonah be the only wise man."

We both laughed.

We walked as far as the café in the hospital and we got a coffee for Alex to get her energy up, with doctors permission though.

We were walking back to their room and when we got really close to the room we heard a long beep and some screams coming from their room. We glanced at each other before I dropped the coffee and ran into the room only to see Tiffany's heart beat in a straight line and her parents on their knees crying as nurses and doctors are trying to to bring her back.

Every thing seemed to be going in slow motion at that time, as if my mind couldn't process what was happening.

The sound of her machine beeping and the doctors operating was echoing in my head like a record on constant replay.

About 2 minutes passed by now and I am still in the same spot standing but now the record playing in my head stopped when I heard the doctors say, "I'm calling it, we lost her. Time of death is 12:34pm."

Did we really just lose her?


Hey guys...... hope you are enjoying the story. Don't forget to vote, comment and SHARE.


And I was at number 2 in the hashtag #zachherron and I am still very grateful so thank you guys.

I hope you enjoyed or are enjoying my crap.

872 words

See you next chapter

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