Chapter 53- New Life

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-

Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.


I am doing this thing where I am going to ask a why don't we related question and you comment the answer and I will say the correct answer in the next chapter.

Answer to the last question

How much tattoos do each of the boys have?

Jonah: 5
Corbyn: 2
Daniel: 4
Jack: 8 (alot)
Zach: 3

Next question

What movie did the boys make a song about?

Comment your answer.


Previously on The Best Mistake.

"I am sorry, I should have been more supportive and-" Alex started back to explain but was cut of by Jack who screamed, "Gabbie is going into labor!"

We all started panicking and ran out the house and into cars. We raced over to the hospital and followed Jack to Gabbie. Unfortunately, all of us weren't allowed in the room so only Jack, Gabbie and Gabbie's mom. The rest of us were impatiently waiting to see the baby.

About a half hour later, we were all called in to see the baby for a little while before they needed to take her away for tests. Yes you heard right, it's a girl.

We all gathered around the baby admiring her.

"She is so gorgeous." Alex said being supportive but I could tell she was hurt inside. I looked over to Jack who was looking happy but suddenly his facial expression changed before he said, "I can't believe that she was born with a full head of hair."

Gabbie was concentrated on her new daughter so she didn't even look up at Jack before saying, "Well, I'm guessing it came from your side."

Jack's facial expression changed once again before he asked angrily, "Actually, no one in my family was born with a full head of hair so is this really my daughter?"

Gabbie, despite being the center of attention right now, stayed quiet.

Jack held his head in frustration before turning to a nurse and saying, "Excuse me, while you are running the tests, please run a DNA test."

The nurse took the baby away for tests while all of us stood impatiently waiting to see what happens with the DNA test.

"Jack to even hear yourself, of course it's  your child, many children are born with a full head of hair not from genes, why would I lie to you?" Gabbie said.

"You know I had a suspicion that the baby wasn't mine because we both know that I stopped before things got too serious." Jack said. We could tell he was overwhelmed because after saying that he walked out. Alex hesitated but decided to go after him.

Okay so don't judge me but I am really worried about Jack and Jax so I may or may not have eavesdrop on them. I stood and observed from behind a door.

I saw Alex approach him from behind and place her hand on his shoulder. She proceeded to say, "I know you are feeling extremely overwhelmed right now and this is the worst time but I need to tell you something."

Jack turned around to face her and nodded before she continued, "I was trying to tell you back at the house that I am sorry and you were right. You were trying and I was being completely ignorant. I should have been more mature about the situation."

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now