Chapter 42- Rescue

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiìii........thank you for being here. Ok bye-
Jus kidding. We all know you are most likely being forced.So welcome back.


I am doing this thing where I am going to ask a why don't we related question and you comment the answer and I will say the correct answer in the next chapter.

Answer to the last question

Where is Zach's hometown?

Dallas, Texas

Next question

Where is Jack's hometown?

Comment your answer.


Previously on The Best Mistake

A few seconds after I ranted, I heard a soft knock on the door with a soft voice that followed. "Hey." Jack said while walking in the room and then he continued, "The boys and I got back a while ago and I happened to over hear almost everything. I think I know who was kidnapped."


"Who is it? How do you know?" I asked Jack hoping that what ever information he had would be able to help us find my friend or whoever is behind this.

"Well, remember that I told you that  I was planning to stay in New York for a while." He started to say and we nodded. "Well, the real reason I was planning to stay is because Alex is in New York. She came a little while before us. I was texting her a little while before we boarded and she was supposed to come meet me in the airport. When we landed, I called and messaged her but she never responded." Jack finished his story.

So does this mean that Alex is the one who was kidnapped? I mean if she isn't responding to Jack then something must be wrong. I was thinking of how Alex could have been kidnapped because she isn't the kind of girl who could be kidnapped easily. I was also thinking of who could have kidnapped her and where she could be but then I was broken out of my thoughts by Jonah saying, "Well at least we know for sure the kidnapper and Alex are in New York."

"We should tell Daniel and Corbyn what is happening. Maybe they could help." I said and they all nodded. We walked out of the room and into the kitchen/dining room where Daniel and Corbyn were sitting eating their McDonalds. We told them what was happening and they were just as shocked as the rest of us when we found out for the first time. We all sat there trying to figure out how to find her or how to find who sent the text. 

We sat in the dead silence, scared for Alex's life and also kind of scared for ours. I mean, if this kidnapped Alex just to break up Zach and I, then what would they do if they find out that I didn't do what they wanted me too. The dead silence suddenly broke from the buzzing of a cell phone. All our cell phones were charging on the counter while we were talking, so when we heard the buzz of a cell phone, we all ran to get ours hoping that it would be Alex or be about Alex.

All of the boys put down their phones moments later realizing the beep didn't come from their phones. All eyes were then on me since I was the only one who didn't check their phone yet. I am not going to lie but I am so scared to open my phone. If it something about Alex, then everything will become a whole lot more real but we would be able to know if she was really the one who was captured. If it's not about Alex then we would still have no information on her at all. I took a deep breath and unlocked my phone.

"It's a video message," I started saying so the boys know, "from the same number that sent the threat."  Everyone's faces dropped and I am sure that they are just as scared as I am right now.

The Best Mistake//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now