Chapter 12 (A bolder Cassy)

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  • Dedicated kay Mimz Smiler

        It has been three months since their breakup. James tried to talk to her all the time but she just didn’t care anymore or at least she wished she didn’t. His betrayal still hurts. He was her first love; it was hard to forget the person who first made your heart beat, your knees quiver, and your breath shorter and only to be destroyed by that same bittersweet love.

      Every night she cried herself to sleep. It hurt her brother even more whenever he heard her that way. She never showed it to anyone, afraid that they might think she’s stupid.

      After the breakup, she stopped hanging out with her friends to avoid seeing him since they have mutual friends. At school, when they saw each other, she pretended she didn’t see anyone. She has never hurt that way before. No one warned her that love was really painful.

      One day, Mimi went to her. “Look Cass, we’ve missed you. The gang and I are going to the Entertainment City this weekend, please come?” she begged.

“B-But James...”

“James wouldn’t bother you. Mara and he broke up as soon as you broke up with him. He has a new girlfriend now.”

        Cassy didn’t know if she should be relief that Mara and James broke up or be hurt that he had another girlfriend that quick. Helen came to her side, “Cassandra, please? We really missed you!” she gave in at the end and said yes.

       All of their friends were there, even their schoolmates and acquaintances from another school. Her friends tried their best to cheer her up. She didn’t want to see him she said but at the back of her mind, she did want to see him. It was a conflicting roar of emotions. She somehow wished that he missed her as much as she misses him.

      “Seriously girl! This new chick he has? Duh! I know James, that’s just a rebound. Definitely!” Mimi tried to comfort her. “Yeah, I agree with Mims here.” Luna second it. She sighed, staying silent the whole time. She let her friends drag her all over the place the whole day.

     They were convincing her to ride the roller coaster though she didn’t feel like it, when suddenly James finally came with his friends. Cassy smiled deep inside, glad to see him. But the new girlfriend came out of nowhere and hugged him. Cassy wanted to leave but Mimi didn’t allow her. “You’re not going anywhere! It’s been three months Cass! How long do you think you’re going to avoid him?”

“Yeah, you’ve got to face him Cass honey.” Helen looked at her with sympathy.

         Cassy heaved a huge sigh. “Fine!” she headed towards the rollercoaster, her friends trailing her behind. She was surprised to see James and his friends were already there. At first when she wasn’t around, James didn’t care about his girlfriend. But when his friends whispered to him that Cassy was there, behind him, James put his hand possessively on the girl’s waist.

       She felt her green-eyed-monster coming out of her. James was doing it on purpose. The first batch to ride was James and his company. Tch! I hope you fall down and die. She nastily thought to herself. They were really sweet it was making her want to puke. They didn’t leave yet after they were done. She could feel his eyes on her.

        The moment the roller coaster started, she screamed and screamed her heart out. “I FREAKIN’ HATE YOU JAMEEEEES GREEEEENEEE!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. The girls laughed and encouraged her even more. When they were done, James held her wrist. “You hate me?” he demanded. She faced him equally. “Yes I freakin’ hate you!” she took back her hand and left.

        After the octopus ride, they went to see the ice-skating rink. And again and again, they were there being all sweet to each other. Cassy rolled her eyes. She turned around and saw Mara eyeing the couple enviously. Hmm, that makes the two of us. She started to leave but Mara stopped her.

         “So, kamusta na ang playboy na boyfriend natin?” (*So, how’s our playboy boyfriend?) she laughed. Cassy tried to get a grip on herself and ignored her. She started walking away. “Oy! Next target ko nanaman ang kapatid mo!” (*Hey! My next target would be your brother!) and the green-eyed-monster was released. Cassy slapped Mara on the face, “That’s for drugging me!” she slapped her again, “That’s for stealing my boyfriend!” and the last time she punched Mara real hard, “And that’s for CJ, if you ever touch him, so help me God, I will skin you alive!” Cassy threatened her.

         The girls and everyone around them were speechless; they didn’t think that she had it in her. It was the first time anyone saw Cassy got that mad. “Yeah right!” Mara didn’t believe her threats; she thought she was too sweet to do it. Cassy raised her perfect eyebrows, “Wanna try? Do you know what’s the privilege of my dad’s yellow license plate?” Mara shook her head.

       “Tsk! Typical! Well let me educate you, you moron. If you hurt me or anyone I love, I will literally kill you and I won’t be held accountable for it since I’m the daughter of a diplomat. The government here can’t arrest me. So even if I get arrested in the Philippines, it’s okay. At least I’ve done well by lessening evil from this world.”

       Mara was shaking with fear. Cassy leaned towards her, “Got that?” she smacked Mara’s head. She turned her eyes towards the ice-rink. James was still holding his girlfriend but his eyes were on her. For the first time in her life, she didn’t care what other people think about her anymore. She shot her middle finger at her and left.

      It was the most exhilarating feeling she ever felt! The girls congratulated her for being so cool. She laughed, “Come on! Let’s ride every scary ride in here. I want to have some fun!” her girls squealed with joy. After that, Mara didn’t bother with them anymore.

Childhood Crush [Part 1- Complete]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon