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"Liam!" Mason exclaims as he sees me, before pulling me into a hug "When did you guys come back?" he asks "Last night," I respond, pulling away with a smile on my face.
"How is everyone?" he asks "Exhausted," I respond "Did you find Monroe?" Mason asks and I shake my head, looking down in shame. "We had a lead, but it turned out to be nothing," I explain "That's okay, maybe next time," he informs, patting my shoulder.
"Did something happen around here?" I ask as we walk towards Mason's house. "Nothing major," he informs "Corey is visiting family in San Francisco and Nolan is doing lacrosse practice to get a little bit better," he explains "What about Peter and Theo?" I ask "I saw Peter this morning, he was circling around school to make sure it's safe," he informs and I look at him expectantly, waiting for him to tell me about Theo "I haven't heard from Theo ever since him and Peter put some hunters in prison two days ago," he informs "What?" I exclaim, knitting my eyebrows together. "Don't worry Liam, I'm sure he's fine," Mason reassures "He did what you asked him to, he kept an eye on us, made sure we were safe practically 24/7 for three weeks straight," he explains "He just needs a break to catch up on sleep," he adds as we reach his house.
"Did you call him to see if he's alright?" I ask as Mason fishes his keys out of his back pocket. "I did. We all did, but he didn't pick up or answer any of our texts," he responds, unlocking his door and stepping inside.
"Are you coming in?" he asks, waiting by his door and I shake my head "I'm gonna go home and sleep a little, I just came to say 'hi'" I inform and he hugs me goodbye before closing the door and I stand there for a few seconds, contemplating whether I should go home and catch up on sleep or go look for Theo.
I decide the latter, trying to think of where he could be while walking away from the Hewitt's property.

I looked everywhere around town and I even asked the sheriff if he knew something. He didn't, but Parrish suggested the woods because he saw Theo circling them a couple times, in search of hunters or any other supernatural creatures, so that's where I'm going now.
As I'm about to give up, something catches my eye and I walk towards it to see that it's Theo's truck.
I take a look inside to find it empty but Theo's scent is still strong, which means that he's been inside the truck not long ago.
I look around trying to catch Theo's scent somewhere else, to no avail, so I just stand there with my back against the side of the vehicle, waiting.
I don't know why I'm waiting.
I just need to make sure that he's okay.
Don't ask me why.

"Liam," someone speaks up and I snap my head around to see a surprised and confused Theo standing a couple feet away from me "What are you doing here?" he asks softly as he makes his way to the truck, unlocking it and throwing a duffle bag inside.
"I came to see if you were okay," I respond as he shuts the door, locking the vehicle.
"When did you get back?" he asks, walking around the car to stand next to me, leaning his back against the car as well. "We came back last night," I inform and as I look at him, I notice the bags under his eyes and he looks exhausted. I'm guessing he really did watch out for my friends 24/7 and three weeks in a row.
"Thanks," I speak up as he rubs his eyes. "For what?" he asks, trying to hide a yawn. "For watching out for my friends," I respond with a small smile.
"I was only doing what you asked me to," he points out "Still," I say and it gets silent after that, none of us knowing what to say next.
I thought it would be awkward, but it's not. I'm guessing it's because I'm used to Theo being around considering he hasn't really left my side since I got him out of hell.
I mean yes, after we fought the Ghost Riders I didn't see him for two weeks or so, but after that he hasn't left my side.
"Did you guys find anything?" Theo asks after a while, pulling me out of my thoughts."We caught some hunters on the way, but Monroe is still AWOL," I respond and he shifts a little.
"What?" I ask and he looks at me as if he doesn't know what I'm talking about.
"You seem tense," I point out "It's nothing," he informs, waving it off and I look at him with an eyebrow raised "What?" he questions.
"You shifted when I mentioned Monroe," I inform and he shrugs "She gives me the creeps," he says and I can't help the smile creeping up on my face "You are scared of a Hunter?" I ask "That's so not Raeken of you," I add and he rolls his eyes as I start laughing.
"I hate you," he mumbles, shoving me a little and I laugh even harder.
"No you don't," I say, shoving him a little too and he chuckles, rolling his eyes again.

"It's good to see you again," Theo says after I finally stop laughing, the smile never leaving our faces.
"Yeah, you too," I inform and I really mean it.
Like I said before, I got used to him being around all the time and I left town with Scott and the others for almost a month.
I missed him.
I missed all of them.
Suddenly Theo seems alert and as I'm about to ask what's wrong, he lays his hand on my mouth, shutting me up and giving me a sign to listen.
I nod my head and he lays his hand back down, his eyes scanning our surroundings.
I do the same, but I can't see nor hear anything apart from the birds.
Next thing I know, Theo pushes me to the ground before being hit by an arrow in the middle of his chest.
He makes a choking sound as he drops to the ground, clutching the arrow and trying to catch his breath.
"Shit," I mumble, scrambling towards him and wrapping a hand around he arrow. "You'll be fine," I inform before pulling it out.
Once it's out, he starts gasping for air in-between coughs.
I help him sit up and he spits out blood while trying to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the wound.
I lay my hand on his back and look around to see where the arrow came from, but I don't see anyone there, not even with my wolf eyes.
"I think they're gone," I say before looking back down at Theo, who's still bleeding like crazy.
"You have to trigger the healing," I inform and he looks at me as if saying 'I'm not stupid,' and I roll my eyes before taking a hold of his other wrist, taking his pain away just a little to make it easier for him to heal.

"Thank God they didn't hit my neck," Theo says after healing completely, his voice still scratchy from the incident.
"How did you know?" I ask as I help him back to his feet "Know what?" he asks as he leans back against the truck.
"That there was someone," I respond.
"I heard them," he informs "Why didn't I hear them?" I ask, my brows furrowed in confusion and he shrugs. "I guess I only heard it, because I'm part coyote and have two times enhanced senses," he suggests "I don't know," he adds.
"Thanks," I say, referring to him sacrificing himself for me, again.
"Don't mention it," he says, making his way to the trunk of his car.
"Why did you do it?" I ask as he looks for a clean shirt "Why do you always keep trying to save me?" I add as he changes his shirt before not so harshly slamming the trunk closed.
"Why?" I ask again, looking at him expectantly and he sighs.
"I like you, okay," he responds, walking back to me.
"You like me?" I ask with an eyebrow raised lightly "Why me though?" I ask.
"You got me out of hell and trusted me enough to let me help with the Ghost Riders. You asked for my help with the hunters in the Zoo and you trusted me enough to fight with me against the hunters at the hospital," he explains and I listen to him, not being able to look away from his face.
Don't ask me why.
"You made me feel like I was part of something and you also made me feel like I was human and not just some heartless monster," he informs.
"I know it sounds kinda cheesy, but thank you," he adds and I pull him into a hug without thinking twice.
He freezes for a second before hugging me back.
It's really weird hearing that kind of thing from Theo.
He usually hides his feelings or shows fake emotions and he's a great lier so you could never really tell if he meant it or not, but this time he means it.
I know he does.
I bury my face in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent of coffee and chocolate with my eyes closed.
He tightens his grip a little and I feel one of his hands running up my back before he starts running his fingers through my hair.
Normally I wouldn't hug a guy for that long, let alone allow them to run their fingers through my hair, but I'm kinda enjoying this right now.
It makes me feel calm, I don't know why, and our 'moment' gets interrupted by the sound of my phone vibrating in my pocket.
I reluctantly let go off Theo to grab it.

Scott: Pack meeting tonight at 6pm

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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