2. Calm Down

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I show the message to Theo and we both share a look "I'm not part of the pack," he informs "You're part of my pack," I say.
"You have your own pack?" Theo asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I nod my head "Mason, Corey, Nolan and you," I inform. "What about Scott and the others?" he asks "Scott is my alpha and he won't be in Beacon Hills for much longer, so I'll have to be the next alpha and I already have my own pack," I explain "If that makes sense," I add.
"Fine," he mumbles and as he's about to go to his car, he stops halfway through.
"Don't you have school today?" he asks, turning on his heels to look at me and I shake my head "It's Saturday," I respond "Is it?" he asks confused and I nod.
"But you have school on Monday, right?" he asks and I shake my head again "I missed almost a month of school -", "So what?" Theo interrupts "You can still finish the school year," he informs.
"I don't know if I can, I mean my GPA sucks and I have a lot to catch up on for the coming exams," I say.
"You have to finish," Theo exclaims "I'll even help you study," he adds.
"You will?" I ask with an eyebrow raised lightly and he nods his head "If you want to of course," he informs.
"What about you? Are you gonna finish senior year?" I ask and he shakes his head "I'm too old for High School," he informs "You're two years older than me," I point out "Actually only one year older, but still too old for High School," he informs.
"You're still eighteen?" I ask confused and he nods "I spent my eighteenth birthday in hell so..." he drags on and I suddenly feel really bad. "Don't worry, it's not like I've ever actually celebrated my birthday," he says "I almost forgot about it," he informs "I would've forgotten it if it wasn't for Tara reminding me before ripping my heart out as a birthday present," he explains with a fake laugh.
"That's not funny," I point out.
"I know," he informs, getting serious again. "Actually it kinda is," he says and I frown at him.
"You're an ass," I mumble. "Yeah, I've heard that before. A million times," he remarks and I roll my eyes.

"What will you do until the pack meeting?" Theo questions after a while and I shrug. "I would go to bed and just lay there, maybe sleep for a few hours but I'm not really tired," I respond "You?" I ask in return "I was taking a break from protecting Beacon Hills, but I think I should return to it," he informs "You don't have to," I say "You've been protecting Beacon Hills and my friends for three weeks straight," I point out "You deserve a break," I add. "I think two days are enough. Mason is probably wondering where I've been this whole time," he says and I shake my head "Mason said you deserve some rest," I inform.
"You could come over and hang out for a while if you want," I suggest and he thinks for a second.
"Okay," he responds before opening the passenger seat for me.
I smile a little before entering the vehicle and waiting for him to enter as well.

here are your parents?" Theo asks as we enter my house to find it empty "Work, probably," I respond.
"What did you tell them about you leaving Beacon Hills for almost a month?" he asks "I told them the truth," I respond and he looks at me with an eyebrow raised lightly "You told them that you are a werewolf?" he asks as we make our way to my room "They already knew," I inform "They just didn't mention it," I add.
"If I told my parents that I was a werewolf they would've killed me on the spot," Theo says, sitting down on my bed.
"No they wouldn't," I say as I turn on my TV. "You didn't know them," Theo says "Not even Scott and Stiles knew them," he informs "Actually they did know my parents, but only when they played nice," Theo adds and I look at him for a second before putting on Netflix.
"What do you mean with 'played nice,'?" I ask and Theo takes his shoes off, sitting properly on the bed with his back against the headboard "What do you think?" he asks in response and I share a look with him.
I can't really read his expression, but I'm thinking that it's nothing good.
"Did your parents do something to you?" I ask, fearing the worst and Theo shifts a little "Can we please not talk about them?" Theo asks, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness, pain and anger?
His chemosignals are really confusing. "Liam, stop checking my chemosignals and sit down," Theo exclaims and I sigh, taking my shoes off before grabbing the remote and jumping on the bed, almost falling on top of Theo.
I scoot back, resting my back against the headboard as well, our shoulders are touching but none of us move a muscle.
"What do you want to watch?" I ask, turning my head to the side to look at him and he shrugs "Whatever you want," he responds, returning the look.
"Okay," I say with a shrug before turning back to the TV and looking for something to watch.

From the corner of my eye I see Theo looking at me for a few more seconds before turning to look at the TV.
I put on 'Doctor Who', one of my favourite TV shows.
Theo makes himself comfortable and I do the same.

After a few episodes, I feel something heavy on my shoulder and look down to see that Theo fell asleep.
I smile a little and try to move him without waking him up, managing to lay him down properly.
He shifts a little, but he doesn't wake up.
I look at the clock to see that it's 2.30 pm and we still have two and a half hours left until the pack meeting so I turn off the TV and put my alarm at 5 pm, before lying down and pulling the blanket over the two of us.
Theo turns around in his sleep and is now facing me.
He looks so peaceful and innocent, not like the guy who manipulated me to kill my alpha.
I know he changed.
He's been a completely different person ever since I brought him back from hell and I like this new side of him.
I close my eyes and fall asleep after a few minutes, the images of Theo using himself as bait and him taking Gabe's pain away - which signifies that he does care - running through my head.

I wake up to my alarm blaring next to my ear and quickly turn it off.
I rub my eyes and look to my right to see that Theo is still fast asleep.
He must have been really exhausted.
"Theo," I call softly but he doesn't budge. "Theo?" I call again but still nothing.
Suddenly I'm completely awake and extremely alarmed.
"Theo," I call, sitting up and shaking him lightly.
When he doesn't do anything, I shake him harder and he jolts awake, gasping for air as if he just got out from under water, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and anger.
"Theo, calm down," I say as he looks around confused, his heart beating like crazy. "Where am I?" he asks "My house," I respond, my eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
"Where's Tara?" he questions, looking around the room terrified "She's dead, remember?" I respond, taking his face into my hands, making him look at me "What's wrong?" I ask and I can't help the concern in my voice. "I saw Tara," he responds and he's on the verge of crying.
"It was just a nightmare Theo, you're safe now," I say pulling him into a hug.
"You're safe," I half-whisper before pulling away and he searches my face for reassurance.
I shoot him a small smile giving him a squeeze on the shoulder and he calms down almost instantly.
I stand up after a few seconds, telling him to get ready for the pack meeting.

"I don't want to go," he says, making me stop at the door on my way out.
"Why not?" I ask, a little confused. "Because I don't really feel like it and they all hate me," he responds.
"They don't hate you, they just have a little trouble trusting you," I inform and he raises an eyebrow at me "Malia hates me," he points out.
"Malia hates everyone," I inform "Even you?" he asks, not really believing me and I nod "Especially me," I say and he rolls his eyes. "I'm not going," he informs as he stands up from the bed, walking towards me.
I stop him before he can storm out of the room and he looks at me a little annoyed.
"Don't leave me alone please," I plead, pouting a little and showing him my puppy dog eyes "You'll have Mason and Corey with you," he informs "But I want you to be there," I say, intensifying my puppy dog eyes and he looks at them for a few seconds before rolling his eyes "I'm only doing this because you're cute Dumbar," he says "And don't be surprised if they kick me out of the house," he adds before pushing past me and going downstairs, leaving me speechless.
'He called me cute' I think to myself and I can't help the small smile tugging on my lips.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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