15. Thank you

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"Cammie is gone," Scott informs and I feel my heart sink to my stomach.
I'm a dead man.
"The paramedics didn't find her body," he adds and I feel a lump in my throat.
I feel like I'm drowning, just thinking about everything Cammie could do to me.
Not only me but the entire pack, especially Liam.
My heart hurts and all the hairs on my body go up when a chill runs down my spine.
I hear a muffled 'Theo,' but I choose to ignore it, my mind drifting away to every bad scenario I can think off.
Then there's another 'Theo,' followed by someone shaking me and I blink a few times.
The horrible daydream as I'm going to call it fades away and I'm greeted by Liam's soft blue eyes that are filled with concern.
I blink again and notice that the whole pack is looking at me.
"We have to find her," I breathe out, my voice quivering slightly and I facepalm mentally at how pathetic I just sounded.
"We won't find her," Scott informs "Not now at least," he adds and as I'm about to protest, Nolan interrupts me. "I can take a look at the security cameras," he informs "Maybe I'll even find the person responsible for the explosion," he adds.
"We'll give you a hand," Mason speaks up, motioning to Corey, and the three of them stand up from the chairs.
"Call us if you find anything," Scott says and Nolan nods his head. "We'll call if there's news about Stiles," Liam promises before the trio leaves the waiting room.
"Where are you going?" Liam asks as I get up from the chair.
"Bathroom," is all I say before walking out of the waiting room.
I glance around, trying not to give away how nervous I am.
I don't scare easy, but I think I'm scared now because it's my sister and the fact that she could be anyone right now.
She might even be posing as Melissa or even Scott for all I know.

After washing my hands, I splash some water on my face before drying it with paper towels.
When I open my eyes, I'm suddenly in a completely different room and I look around at the windowless dark space.
I walk around said room to see some operating tables with medical supplies next to them.
I hear some mumbling and follow the sound to see someone on one of these tables.
I gasp when I see that, that someone is me.
There's another person in the room.
I can't see their face, but I can tell it's a man.
Next thing I know, I'm back at the hospital with remaining pack members surrounding me.
I somehow went from the bathroom back to the waiting room without noticing it.
I don't even remember coming back but "I think I remember something," I say before anyone can say anything, referring to the time I went missing.
I sit back next to Liam before explaining what I just 'saw'.

"That sounds a lot like Eichen House," Malia points out once I'm done.
"Why would Cammie keep me locked up in Eichen House?" I half-question and she shrugs "Maybe she thought we wouldn't find you there," Liam informs "We didn't even think you could be there," he adds.
"Is there anything else you remember?" Scott asks "Apart from what I told you?" I half-question "Just the pain," I respond, but before I can get further into it, Melissa walks into the room.
"Stiles is stable," she informs and a wave of relief washes over the pack "I'm not sure when he'll wake up though," she adds. "Can we go see him?" Scott asks "Of course," she responds before guiding us to Stiles' room.
He looks so peaceful.
If it weren't for the bandages around his stomach and chest, you would think that he was simply asleep.
"Who would do something like that?" Lydia questions and it's the first time she said anything since she got here.
"Hunters maybe?" Malia informs, "Why would they blow up a house?" Liam questions before his face lights up. "A family of werewolves lived next to the Sheriff station," he explains "I met them once," he adds.
"And Noah has a hellhound working for him," I inform "And he had a shapeshifter locked in his cell," I add.

"We should go home and get some rest," Scott speaks up after a while of silence "Liam, you and Theo still need to recover from the explosion," he says "And we need to give Stiles some space," he informs "He won't wake up if we sit here staring at him expectantly," he explains when we refuse to move from our seats.
"Come on," he chimes and I sigh before standing up.
I'm the last one to say goodbye to an unconscious Stiles.
"I'm sorry," I half-whisper, looking down at him.
I kiss the tips of my fingers before pressing them to his forehead. Getting a 'beep' from the machine in response.
The numbers on the monitor spike up a little for a second, followed by a short twitch of Stiles' finger and I look at it with a small frown before being called by Liam.
"Yeah," I respond before walking out of the room.
I shoot Stiles' and the machine one last look before following Liam to the parking lot.
"I'll drive," he informs before I even reach the vehicle and I just sigh before climbing into the passenger seat.

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