10. Dirty Paws

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It's been a week since the dinner at Liam's house and I still haven't told him about what happened.
We're kind of a couple now, we want to give it a try and it seems to be working so far, which makes me feel even worse for lying to him about his father.
The pack decided that we couldn't stay in the loft forever and since the hunters have been quiet these past few days, everyone returned home.
Liam wanted me to stay with him, so that's where I've been sleeping for the last week.
Liam is in school now and I was downtown for lunch.
I notice a figure on Liam's front porch and slowly approach the driveway before stopping the car and stepping out.
"James what are you doing here?" I ask as I walk up to him "I think you know what I'm doing here," he responds, stepping closer to me.
"You're definitely not here to see Mary," I say with an eyebrow raised.
"You got me," he informs with fake-shock all over his face and I cross my arms, trying to keep myself together.
"Look James, whatever you're trying to do. Stop it, because it's not gonna work," I point out and he crosses his arms as well, challenging me to come closer and I do, looking up at him.
Our faces inches apart.
"When Liam finds out that you're working for Monroe, he's gonna hate you," I inform "And if you kill me," I say, stepping closer to him "He's gonna kill you," I add "What makes you think that I'm gonna kill you?" he asks staring me down. "Because you already tried to kill me, but I kicked your ass," I respond and he takes a step back.
"I want you to take your dirty paws away from my son," he informs "I'm not going anywhere," I respond "And if you think you can get Liam away from me, you're wrong," I add and as I'm about to push my way past him, he grabs my wrist, pulling me back.
"You're gonna regret this," he whispers in my ear before letting go of my wrist and returning to his truck.
I watch him leave and I take a deep shaky breath, before dismissing the fact that I wanted to take a nap as I go back to my truck, knowing that I'm about to do something I'll probably regret.

"Hey," Scott greets as he opens the door to let me in.
"What's wrong?" he asks as I step into the house.
"I have to tell you something I should've told you when you came back to Beacon Hills," I say "Why now?" he asks, looking at me with an eyebrow raised "Because I only realised it was a problem five minutes ago," I respond. "Go ahead," he says, motioning for me to sit down and I do as told.
He sits down on the armchair, his body facing me.
"Liam's dad works for Monroe," I breathe out "Zac?" he asks wide eyed and I shake my head. "James," I respond "His birth father?" Scott asks and I nod.
"How do you know that?" he questions.
"Because he almost killed me a few weeks back and I only realised it was Liam's dad when I met him the other day," I explain.
"Why didn't you tell me then?" he asks "Because I had to wrap my head around it," I respond "And he came over today," I add before Scott can say anything else.
"What did he do?" Scott questions with concern in his voice.
"He wants me to stay away from Liam," I respond "I refused to, obviously and he threatened me, saying that I'm gonna regret it," I add.
"We have to tell Liam," Scott informs.
"I know we do," I say "But I don't have any proof that it's him," I inform. "Then we should find some," Scott says "Wait for him to make a mistake and use that to prove it," he suggests and I'm not sure what he means by 'mistake'.
I decide not to ask him even if it goes against my better judgement.
"Don't worry about James," Scott says "He's not gonna come after you while you're around Liam," he informs "What if he comes after Liam too?" I ask, leaning back on the couch. "He won't, because Liam is his son," Scott responds and I raise an eyebrow "It doesn't matter that Liam is his son, because Liam is a werewolf and James is a Hunter that works for Monroe," I point out "Monroe doesn't care if they're family, she just wants to have all the supernatural creatures eliminated," I add.

After going back and forth with Scott on the pro's and con's of Liam and James being related and the fact that Liam is a werewolf and James is a Hunter, I give up and when I realize how long I've been here, I decide to go and pick Liam up.
"We'll figure something out," Scott promises as we stand by the door "Okay?" he adds and I nod my head.
He gives me a hug, before we say our goodbyes and I make my way to the high school.

"Hey," Liam greets as he walks up to me with a smile on his face "Hi," I greet back, returning the smile before leaning down a little to kiss him and he kisses back before pulling away after a couple seconds.
"Get a room," I hear someone call and we both turn our heads to see Mason, Corey and Nolan standing there with those stupid grins on their faces and Liam rolls his eyes.
"We're gonna do that," I remark, shooting them a wink and they all start laughing when Liam looks at me wide eyed.
I kiss Liam again and the guys pretend they're disgusted before we say our goodbyes and the two of us hop into my truck.
"You're so adorable," I say as I drive away.
"Shut up," he says in response and I chuckle.

As soon as we reach Liam's house, I pull him into a kiss, taking him a little by surprise.
We somehow end up in his room and I softly push him to the bed.
I like Liam a lot and it's getting pretty steamy in here, but we're not gonna go that far, we've only been dating for a week.
A little dry-humping won't hurt right?

I mean Liam seems to like it and I do to, believe me.
It's also a nice distraction from all the shit that's going through my head right now, like the fact that my sister is probably alive and that my boyfriend's father wants to kill me.

"Do you have any homework or something I can help you with?" I ask after calming down from our make out session and Liam chuckles with a roll of his eyes, "I have some calculus and Spanish homework," he responds anyway, "But you don't have to help me," he adds "I practically promised I would help you study," I point out "You told me that your GPA sucks which means you're failing most classes and I'm pretty sure Calculus and Spanish are one of them," I add "You don't even speak Spanish," he exclaims.
"I was in AP Spanish in every school I went to during my time with the Dread Doctors and I had an A in every exam," I inform and he looks at me in disbelief, his expression saying 'prove it,' and I say the first thing that comes to mind "Eres la persona más importante en mi vida, y yo nunca quiero perderte," and he looks at me impressed.
"What does that mean?" he asks innocently and I roll my eyes with a chuckle "It means 'You're the most important person in my life and I don't ever wanna lose you,'" I respond and I can see the tears form in his eyes while I just smile at him lovingly. "I didn't know you were such a softy," he says, trying not to cry "I thought that you loved me for being a softy," I say with a fake pout and his lips break into a smile, before he leans in and our lips meet halfway in a soft kiss.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy  

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