5. Radio Silence

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I haven't heard anything from Theo in days and I'm starting to get worried.
He never came back to my house and his truck is where he left it.
I tried following his scent but I couldn't track it and it's gone now.
Even Scott wasn't able to do it.
It sucks.
Theo being gone sucks and I don't know why.
I guess he did grow on me, or maybe it was the kiss which we didn't get the chance to talk about after it happened.
My mind and feelings have been all over the place lately and the only thing I can think about is Theo, nothing else.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, interrupting my thoughts and I grab it to see that I have multiple texts and I have no idea how I didn't hear the other ones.

Mase: Hey Liam
Mase: Where are you?
Mase: We tried reaching you.
What have you been doing?
Me: Did you try my house?
Have you heard anything from Theo?
Mase: Finally and no, nothing.
Me: I asked you to only notify me when you found something
Mase: No need to be an ass, I just wanted to know if you were okay
Me: I'm sorry, I'm just worried about him
Mase: We all are, but you're not helping by staying put, we need you.
Me: Alright, I'm on my way.
Mase: see ya

I put my phone back in my pocket and rub my face in frustration before getting off my bed and making my way downstairs.
"He's alive," my step dad exclaims as I pass him on my way to the kitchen "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask as I go to the fridge to grab something to drink "You never came down to eat, your mother was worried," he responds.
"He's worried about his friend Zac," my mom speaks up as she enters the kitchen "Any sign of him?" she asks "Nope," I respond, grabbing a protein bar from the cupboard "We're still trying to find him," I add.
"Is Noah looking into it?" Zac questions and I nod my head "Everyone is," I respond "But it's as if he disappeared into thin air," I explain.
"He'll reappear honey, don't worry," mom informs, caressing my cheek softly.
"What if he's hurt or worse, dead?" I question, trying to keep the horrible scenarios from my head.
"From what you told me about Theo, he seems to be a survivor and a very good fighter," mom informs "He's gonna be okay," she adds, trying to give me some reassurance and I smile a little before thanking her and telling them that I have to go.
"Be careful," Zac says as I walk out of the house.

"That took you long enough," Mason exclaims as he opens the door for me "Sorry for being hungry," I say rolling my eyes as I enter the house "What are we doing in Nolan's house anyway?" I question as I take off my shoes, putting them neatly next to the door.
"He wants to use his tech to track Theo down," Mason responds "Somehow," he adds before guiding me to the living room where Nolan is sitting on the couch with his laptop on the coffee table.
"Where's Corey?" I ask "He's out looking with the others," Mason responds and I sit down next to Nolan.
I look over his shoulder to see him typing something on the laptop "What are you doing?" I ask "Trying to track his phone," Nolan responds and I share a look with Mason "Why didn't we think about that when he first disappeared?" I ask to no one in particular.
How could we have been so stupid?
"His GPS isn't on, so I had to figure out a way around that," Nolan informs "I've been on this thing the whole day," he adds "And I still haven't found anything," he explains.
"Maybe you should take a break," Mason suggests and Nolan shakes his head "It could help," Mason informs "Maybe you'll see something you've missed," he adds and Nolan sighs before standing up and walking up the stairs to his room.
"So what now?" I question as I make myself comfortable. "We just wait I guess," he responds, making himself comfortable as well.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep, my phone rings, making me jump a little before grabbing it to see that it's Scott.
"Hey," I greet, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the tiredness "We found him," he informs, going straight to the point and my body automatically relaxes, my heart beating like crazy at the news I've been waiting for these past few days.
"Where?" I question.
"At the tunnels," Scott responds and I frown a little "We went there," I say "Twice," I point out. "I know," Scott informs "We'll talk as soon as we get there," he says "Where are you?" Scott questions "I'm at Nolan's," I respond "We'll be there in twenty," Scott informs before we say our goodbyes and hang up.
"They found him," I inform as I put my phone away and Nolan sighs turning his laptop off, putting it to the side.
We just sit there and wait for the others.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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