21. Venom

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This is it.
The day we've been waiting for.
I guess I can say that now.
It's been months and we finally have a shot to end all of it.
The Sheriff and Agent McCall are in obviously.
I mean the hunters aren't just a treat to us werewolves, - and other - but to the civilians as well.
We split up in pairs like Edward wanted us to and Mason gave each pair a code-name.

Theo and I are 'Thiam'.
We have 'Morey', Mason and Corey and 'Scalia', Scott and Malia.

Mason called Lydia's and Nolan's team 'Nerds' because, it's Mason.

It would've been 'Stydia' if Stiles could go with her, but he can't.
Then we also have Edward and Cammie who Mason named 'inhumans' and Dr. Andrews and Thomas are called 'Gamma' for some reason. I guess it's because Dr. Andrews is, well, a doctor, but Thomas? I don't know. it was Mason's idea.

Everybody's getting ready to go to their assigned bases. Edward gave team 'Thiam' the main base for some reason, I guess it's because Theo's his son, I don't know.

Or he just trusts Theo more? Maybe it's him trying to redeem himself for whatever he did when Theo was little?

Like I said, I don't know.

"I hope these fit you," Thomas speaks up, interrupting my thoughts and I blink a few times to see him holding a uniform in front of my face.

"Do we really have to wear those?" I hear Malia whine as she puts the bulletproof vest on.

"If you want to get inside the base, yes" Thomas responds as I take my uniform from his grip

The uniform consists of a black shirt, a bulletproof vest, black biker boots and I guess I have to use my own pair of pants and they probably have to be black too.

As I make my way to Nolan's guest bathroom to change, I see Theo taking a hold of Thomas' wrist to get his attention.

I decide not to listen in on the conversation, because Theo is right, not every conversation is my business.

"You look hot," Theo says as soon as I go back to him. "You don't look bad either," I respond, pecking his lips.

"You guys are worse than Morey over there," Malia exclaims, pointing at Mason who's currently in a makeout session on the couch and I just roll my eyes at her. "How are we worse?" Theo questions and Malia just shrugs.
"Stop bickering kids, we have more important things to do," Stiles speaks up as he hands everyone an earpiece.

"Be careful with those," he informs "They're expensive," he adds and I nod in agreement before putting the device in my ear.

Stiles can't go to the base because of his injuries, but he sure as hell can still help out, especially with all the tech.

This whole ordeal reminds me of a superhero movie.
Let's just hope it works as planned.

"Is everyone dressed?" Scott questions as he re-enters the room with envelopes in his hand. He calls us by our code-names, handing each team an envelope.

"Why did they get two?" Corey questions, motioning to Theo's letter.

"Because we're in the main base," Theo responds, pocketing his envelope somewhere no one can see.

"Edward is already in his assigned base," Thomas informs as he reads the message on his phone and we start making our way out.

Lydia kisses Stiles goodbye before joining Nolan.

"If any of you see Monroe, hide," Scott informs as he enters the Jeep with Malia and I get into the truck with Theo.

"Are you ready to do this?" I ask as Theo starts the engine "We've been waiting to do this for months, so yeah," he responds, shooting me a smile and a wink.

I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like there's something off about Theo. I don't know what it is, but it feels weird.

I would ask him, but he seems like he wouldn't want to talk about it, "Are you okay?" Theo asks, interrupting my thoughts and I nod in response, shooting him a small smile and he sighs, knowing that I'm not being completely honest.

"I'm just nervous, s' all," I lie, hoping he doesn't pick up on that, "You don't have to be," he informs, giving my knee a light rub "Everything will work out," he adds, parking on the side of the road before getting out of the vehicle.
I follow him and he says something about us having to walk the rest of the way.
As we're walking down the road, I feel Theo's hand slide into mine and I intertwine our fingers, not being able to hide the smile creeping up on my face.
I'm wondering why I can't just say the L-word to him.
We've been dating for a little over a month, but I don't have the guts to say it.
Am I scared of being rejected?
Or is it because I think he doesn't feel the same way.
How will I know that he doesn't feel the same if I don't tell him?
I'm pretty sure his reaction will tell me how he feels about it.
I guess I just don't want to ruin this - us.
"Guys, can you hear," someone says, bringing me back to reality and I see Theo press a button on his earpiece with his free hand. "Loud and clear," he informs, talking through the device and I do the same. "It was just a test," the guy on the other end informs and I recognize the voice as Thomas'.
Of course it's him, how could I miss the accent?

Theo and I manage to get into the base without any problems.
Some of the hunters are shooting us looks but we're able to stay calm so we don't give anything away.
Once they return to whatever they were doing, Theo and sneak into the building, looking for the computer Edward talked about.
I open the envelope to read the instruction, going step by step while Theo walks around the room, as if looking for something while reading his letter.
"The guards walk around every five minutes, so you'll have about two minutes until they figure out that something's going on," Thomas informs and I sigh as I finish up.
Next thing I know Theo is kissing me deeply, catching me completely off guard.
I pull away after a few seconds to breathe. "What was that for?" I ask and I'm not complaining at all.
Theo looks at me with an apologetic look and my smile fades a little "I'm sorry," he says, his voice barely above a whisper and I frown at him "Sorry for what?" I question as he takes a small step back.
That's when I feel it, the numbness.
Suddenly I lose the ability to move, but Theo catches me before I hit the ground. He helps me sit against a wall, propping my head up so it doesn't just hang loosely. "Why did you paralyze me?" I ask "T.J inserted chips on the hunter's uniforms and my dad ordered me to use Josh's power to activate it and knock them all out," he explains as he types something on the computer "And I didn't want you to stop me," he adds "Why would I? It's a good idea," I say and he sighs, "Because it might kill me," he responds and my heart starts beating faster "Don't do it," I exclaim, trying to heal faster so I can stop him from going through with this stupid plan.
"I have to," he says "We can find another way," I exclaim "You don't have to sacrifice yourself," I inform "Not again," I add, my voice breaking and I can see his heart breaking into pieces as he lays his hand on the fusebox thingy "Theo don't," I exclaim as I'm finally able to move my fingers.
"I'm sorry," he says, his voice quivering as a tear rolls down his cheek.
"Theo-" "I love you," he says, interrupting me, more tears roll down his cheek as he lets the sparks fly and I scream as loud as I possibly can, the scream is filled with pain and sadness and I don't care who can hear me and I can just feel the tears running down my cheeks like a river.

A/N: Here's my new edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy 

P.S. This is the last chapter before the finale, so hang in there until next week, love ya see ya, bye

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