8. Dad?

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"Okay, now that we're all cleaned up, I want to know how the hell Nolan knew that there was someone outside," Mason informs as he sits back on the couch and I sit on the armrest of Theo's armchair.
"There's a security camera on the streetlamp in front of the house," Theo responds "Since when?" Scott questions "Since your mother asked Noah to put one there," Theo informs.
"So Nolan hacked into it?" Stiles half-questions and Theo nods his head "Isn't his mother with him right now?" Scott asks confused.
"Maybe she went to town to buy groceries or something," Corey suggests.
"Should we go over there now or should we wait until Mrs. Holloway goes back to Florida?" I ask.
"If the Hunter doesn't come back any time soon, we can wait," Scott informs.
"Is there any other place we can go?" I ask "Apart from Nolan's," I add and everyone puts their thinking face on.
"What happened here?" someone asks and we all look up to see Malia standing in the door frame, looking around the room.

"Hunters," Scott responds as he stands up to greet his girlfriend "Or Hunter," Mason informs. "The last time this happened it was only one shooter," he adds "Gabe," Corey informs, finishing his boyfriend's sentence.
"We could go to Derek's loft," Stiles speaks up "Hunters know where it is," I point out "But they won't immediately assume that we're there," Theo says before Stiles can even open his mouth and Stiles smiles a little, giving a sign that that's exactly what he was thinking.
"I'm not going if Peter's in there," Malia informs "Peter has his own place downtown," Scott informs, before we all agree and get ready to go to Derek's loft.

Once there I stop in my tracks.
"What's wrong?" Theo questions as he halts next to me "I should probably call my parents to tell them that we found you and that we're okay," I respond and as I reach for my phone, I realise that I forgot it at Scott's.
"My phone's in my car," Theo informs as I look up at him. "Should we go to my house?" I ask "That way you can get your truck back," I add and he shrugs.
"I'll tell Scott," he says before disappearing into the building.

He comes back after a few minutes and shoots me a small smile before giving me a sign to follow him and I do as told.
We walk silently side by side.
It's not an awkward silence, but I want to talk to him about the kiss.
I know it's been a while, but he couldn't have forgotten about it, right?
I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to even say it.
What do I tell him?
'I liked the kiss, let's do it again?'
'I really like you, we should go on a date'?
'You want to get some dinner?'
I'm seriously gonna break my head over this.
After I kissed him, that was the only thing I could think about for days and I'm not even sure why.
Do I really like him that much?
Does he even like me at all?
He does have some patience with me and he wasn't weirded out when I kissed him or when I hugged him when he came back.
Maybe he does like me. To some extent and - "Earth to Liam," Theo says, interrupting my thoughts and I look up at him, blinking a few times. "You were completely zooned out," he informs, giving me a pat on the back "We're almost there," he adds and I look forward to see that we're in my street, just a few houses away from mine.
"Whose car is that?" he questions, frowning a little at the additional black car in my driveway and I shrug before fishing my keys out of my pocket and unlocking the door.
"Mom, I'm home," I call through the house.
"Hey sweetie," she greets before walking out of the kitchen. "Is that him?" she asks, motioning to Theo and I nod my head.
"It's good to finally meet you, Theo," she says pulling him into a quick hug, her British accent surprising him a little, considering I don't have it.
"You too Mrs. Greyer," Theo says back as he pulls away.
"Oh, please call me Mary," she says "Mrs. Greyer makes me feel old," she adds.
"Mom," I call and she turns to look at me with a questioning expression.
"Whose black truck is in our driveway?" I ask and as she's about to answer I hear someone walking down the stairs and turn around to see "Dad?"
"What are you doing here?" I ask "It's good to see you too sport," he says, his voice with a hint of sarcasm and I hold back the urge to punch his smug face.
"Mom, what is he doing here?" I ask, looking at my mom "I wanted to say 'hi'" James says and I cross my arms, not believing him one bit.
"I just wanted to show you that I'm better now," James informs "I don't care," I say "You can't just waltz in here like nothing happened," I snap "Liam," mom exclaims "I'm serious Mom," I say, shooting her a look. "I know," she informs, giving my shoulder a squeeze and I take a deep breath before looking behind me to see Theo trying to avoid eye contact with my dad.
It's kinda weird, but whatever.
"I'm gonna wait for you outside," Theo speaks up before sharing a weird look with my dad and awkwardly walking out of the house.
"I'll be back for dinner," I inform, giving my mom a kiss on the cheek.
"Be safe," she says and I nod my head.

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